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Planning Board Meeting Agenda 09/24/07
        Town of Mount Desert
        Planning Board
        September 24, 2007
        Northeast Harbor Town Office Meeting Room

I.      Call to order 6:00 p.m.

II.     Approval of minutes from the September 10, 2007 meeting.

III.    Conditional Use Permit(s)

        NAME:    Christine H. Alfaro
        AGENT:  Gary & Elaine Neville - Permit Consultants
        LOCATION:       88 Sargent Drive, Northeast Harbor
         TAX MAP: 5  LOT: 56  ZONE:  SR2
        PURPOSE: Section 3.4.6 Excavation or filling greater than 50 cubic yards in a
        12 month period with slopes greater than 4:1 or within 100 feet from the High
         Water Mark of a waterbody.
        SITE INSPECTION:  5:15PM

IV.     New Business:
        A. OWNERS NAME: Frank E. Jordan, Trustee
             APPLICANT: Finlay B. Matheson II (Potential Buyer)
             AGENT: Kenn Chandler
             LOCATION:  23 Lower Dunbar, Seal Harbor
             TAX MAP: 31 LOT: 87  ZONE: VR1
               PURPOSE: Section 4.10 Relocation of a Non-Conforming Structure.
                SITE INSPECTION:  4:15PM

        B.  NAME: Carroll G. Fernald
             LOCATION: 6 Chauncey Somes Lane, Somesville
             TAX MAP: 10  LOT:  89  ZONE: VR2
             PURPOSE: Section 5.13 Subdivision Plan Revision After Approval
             (Subdivision approved November 28, 2005)
             SITE INSPECTION:  3:00PM

C.      Consider a request from Celeste Law for a zoning change from R1& RW2 to
              R1. (Tax Map 9 Lot 93)

V.      Other Business  
VI.     Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is in the Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor at 6:00 p.m., October 9, 2007