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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 12/11/12

December 11, 2012
Meeting will be held in
*****Northeast Harbor****

Members Present: Rick Savage, Shawn Murphy, Bill Johnson, James Black, Ted Bromage, James Bright, Chris
Not Present: Thomas Fernald, Eric Jones, Doug Foster, Dana Haynes, Story Litchfield

A.      Call to Order at 4:30 p.m.
Meeting called to order By Chairman Savage at 4:30.

B.      Minutes

Approve minutes from November 13, 2012 meeting.

Motion by Bright, second by Black to accept minutes as written. Vote unanimous in favor.

C.      New Business

1.      Review summer rates for the Northeast Harbor Marina.
Motion to change existing DOCKAGE PER FOOT/PER NIGHT rates as follows by Bright, second by Bromage.  Vote unanimous in favor.

Vessels under 49’ from $2.50/ft. to $2.65/ft.
Vessels 50’ to 59’ from $3.00/ft. to $3.15/ft.
Vessels over 60’ from $3.50/ft. to $3.65/ft.

Motion to change existing OUTBOARD FLOAT SEASONAL rates as follows by Bright, second by Bromage.  Vote unanimous in favor.

Under 19’6” from $750 to $800.

Discussion concerning Mooring Registration Rates followed.  MMC instructed Murphy to evaluate neighboring Towns rates and present them at the next meeting.

D.      General Issue

1.      Update regarding hoist/key operation in Northeast Harbor.
Murphy stated that he has ordered a new key operated operating system for both hoists on the pier.  MCM Electric will be installing them within a few weeks.

E.      Old Business

1.      Revisit current wording/cost regarding lease payment for Ticket Booth users concerning the no longer established “Ticket Booth Cooperative” and make recommendation to the BOS.
Murphy suggested that since there is no longer a Ticket Booth Cooperative, and that the leases are individualized, the fee should be listed so that each lease can be transparent when signed, therefore allowing them to know what they will be paying.  As currently written, it is possible for the amount per user to increase/decrease depending upon the number of users.

Motion to change existing $2500.00 lease to an individual $850.00 lease rate by Bromage, seconded by Black.  Vote 4-1 in favor with Johnson voting against.

F.      Discussions

Bromage discussed the public water well proposal for Bartlett Landing.  Murphy discussed possible problems with the proposal concerning setbacks, pollutants, etc.   Discussion followed.  Bromage will present this to the BOS for consideration.

G.      Adjourn

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy