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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 06/08/10
June 08, 2010
Meeting will be held in
*****Northeast Harbor****
Members present:  Bill Johnson, Rick Savage, Jim Black, Jim Bright, Ted Bromage, Story Litchfield, Chris Moore, Shawn Murphy

Not present:  Doug Foster, Dana Haynes, Thomas Fernald, Eric Jones
A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.

Meeting called to order by Savage at 5:30.

B.       Minutes
1.      Approve minutes of April 13, 2010; May 11, 2010

Motion to approve minutes as written by Bromage, Seconded by Johnson.  Vote: Unanimous in favor.

C.      New Business

1.      Cranberry Isles request/Proposal for operation from Northeast Harbor.

Cranberry Isles request to operate a 7am and 5pm one way trip too and from Northeast Harbor starting October 15 and ending May 15.  Dan Lief proposed that Steve Pagels vessel which is less than 50’ in length will be used.  Murphy stated that the application was complete.  An agreement will be drawn up between the Town of Mount Desert and Cranberry Isles and recommended approval of the application.  
Bright motioned to approve application and recommend authorization to operate during the winter season, seconded by Bromage.  Vote:  Unanimous in favor.

2.      Discussion of Proof of Insurance for Commercial Operators.

Jim Bright introduced Christina Butler from Butler’s insurance company for more insight into insurance policies.  Butler stated that insurance policies vary due to lack of regulations by State and Federal government.  Butler stated that each policy can vary.  A commercial insurance policy was used for an example.  More discussion followed by all committee members.  A suggestion was made that maybe the Town should increase the minimum insurance allowed ($400,000) to ($500,000) for six packs and ($1,000,000) for vessels operating above the six pack.  Other suggestions made by Butler included pollution liability, along with gangway/ticket sales area.  Murphy stated that maybe a complete insurance policy needs to be obtained and reviewed, rather than just proof of insurance.  Discussion will continue in fall.

D.      General Issue

1.      Open

Bright commented that the commercial dinghy dock needs to be enforced, along with the parking of empty boat trailers.  Murphy stated that the dinghy dock is patrolled and ticketed.  He will make sure that the boat in question is looked into and ticketed if warranted.

E.      Old Business

1.       Discuss current proposal from CES, Inc for the next stage of the Northeast Harbor Waterfront Renovation Project with members of the working group.

Continued discussion regarding the waterfront project and changes that were recommended by the work group to the design regarding parking, buildings.  Chuck Bucklin and Durlin Lunt were present for discussion.

F.      Discussions

F.      Adjourn

Motion to adjourn by Johnson, seconded by Bright.  Vote: Unanimous in favor.

Recorded By:

Chris Moore

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy