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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 05/11/10
May 11, 2010
Meeting will be held in
*****Northeast Harbor****
Meeting called to order by Dana Haynes @ 5:30 pm.  Members in attendance were Jim Black, Eric Jones, Tom Fernald, Bill Johnston, Ted Bromage, Jock Crothers, Dana Haynes, Story Litchfield, Assistant Harbormaster John Lemoine, and Rick Savage.
Also in attendance were various members of the public and representatives of the Mt. Desert Chamber of Commerce, and Noel Musson of CES.

Items on the agenda.
1. Minutes of April 13th meeting will be presented at the June meeting.

New Business:
Dana Haynes announced that he would like to step down as Chairman of the Marine Management Committee. He was appointed the Chair position in 1978.  He also announced that he would accept nominations from the members for a new Chair person.
After discussion with the members, Rick Savage was nominated, seconded, and approved as the Chairman of the Marine Management Committee.

A notation of thanks and appreciation for his many years of dedicated service was made to Dana Haynes.

Item 2 on the agenda for new business was discussion of the Northeast Harbor Renovation project and how to proceed with a planned progress schedule.  Noel Musson, representing the engineering firm of CES presented a brief time line schedule that would allow for the Project to begin in an organized manner.  It was agreed that Noel Musson would attend the Board of Selectmen's meeting on Monday, May 17th to present his proposed time line plan. All members of the MMC were encouraged to attend the next Board of Selectmen's meeting to expedite the process and procedural requirements needed for this project.

It was agreed that Initial approval to start the engineering process should come from the Board of Selectmen.  It was noted that no actual ground breaking could occur until late fall at best.  Some discussion from the public was presented about possible changes in the layout and existing plans to the marina project.  It was noted that the present plan represented to concerted efforts of two years of research and modification of ideas.  It was generally agreed by the MMC that no major alterations to the conceptual plans be discussed at this time.

Item 3. New business.  It was agreed by the MMC to appoint a Marina Project sub-committee to work and attend as needed meetings with engineering and design teams.  The sub-committee will report its findings and recommendations directly to the MMC and the Board of Selectmen.   The Marina Project sub-committee members are: Shawn Murphy as Harbormaster, Rick Savage, Story Litchfield, Jim Black, Sally Black, and John Lawrence. It was agreed to ask Selectman Chuck Bucklin and Jim Bright to join the Marina Project sub-committee.  

General issues:  Discussion was made about the advertisement of scheduled commercial boat operations that have been recently advertised.  The actual vessel in operation and the verification of the actual schedule trips could not be determined without additional information.  John Lemoine, Asst. Harbormaster said he would look into the advertisement and discuss the permitted uses with the operator.

Old Business:  It was noted that Mike Olsen has re-launched his boat and intends to operate his "lobster tour" operation this coming summer.  He submitted an insurance form showing the Town of Mt. Desert as an "additionally insured" assignment on his policy.  The Harbormaster will verify the operation and application requirements as needed.

2. Discussion of the bids on repair work for Bartlett Island landing was referred to the Board of Selectmen.

3. Discussion continued on the needs to address commercial passenger vessel operators and their regulations.  It was noted that this service is unique to the Town of Mt. Desert and that all regulations should be designed to be "in the best interests of the Town".  This included a variety of passenger vessel types and sizes, including both power and sailing excursions.

4. It was noted that not all members of the MMC had the updated notes and concerns of the Harbormaster that were prepared for the April meeting.  It is requested that these notes and concerns as listed by the Harbormaster should be re-issued to all members for their files.

Jim Black requested that the MMC be better informed about commercial boat insurance requirements for those vessels who use the public landing.  He recommended, and it was agreed that Christine Butler, of Butler Insurance, be invited to attend the June meeting. She will present a professional opinion on the insurance needs and requirements for passenger vessel operation on the Town owned landing and floats.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.

Submitted by:

Rick Savage