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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 04/13/10

April 13, 2010
Meeting will be held in
*****Northeast Harbor****
Members Present:  , Dana Haynes, Eric Jones, Storey Litchfield, Harbormaster Shawn Murphy,  Rick Savage, Jim Black, Ted Bromage, Jock Crothers, Doug Foster, Bill Johnston, Thomas Fernald, and Jim Bright

Not Present:   Chris Moore

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.
Meeting called to order by acting chair Rick Savage at 5:30.
B.       Minutes
1.      Approve minutes of March 09, 2010

Motion to accept as written by Black, seconded by Litchfield.  Vote: Unanimous.

C.      New Business

1.      Town of Cranberry Isles request to transport passengers from the commercial float in Northeast Harbor during the winter season (October 15 thru May15).

Skip Stephens discussed their application/process.  Only tow trips per day as outlined running in the morning and evening.  Questions were raised regarding the number of passengers that would be transported.  Discussion of the original intent of the application was discussed which included landing passengers at Northeast Harbor in the morning, returning in the evening to pick them up and return them to Cranberry.

During this discussion, vessel being presented was found to exceed 50’ which is a violation of the commercial dock regulations, and round trip ferry service was being asked for, well over the 6 passengers originally inquired about.   Skip stated that he had spoken to the vessel owner and informed him of this information, but that the owner still wanted to present this boat with the application.  The boat owner was identified as “Pagels”.  Due to the changes from the original proposal, Savage stated that they would need to reapply.

2.      Discuss options of replacing the existing outdated marina camera system with a more advanced security camera system that has future capabilities for the other harbors and villages.  Police Chief James Willis will be available to comment.

Jim Willis discussed options for replacing the current cameras at the marina.  Discussion followed regarding types, low light.  Bright motioned to look at updating the camera system at the marina, seconded by foster.  Vote: Unanimous.

3.      Review the current Commercial Dock Regulations and draft response to the Board of Selectmen regarding results.
Due to the amount of the work ahead on the NEH waterfront project, this item was tabled for a future meeting.  It was also asked that the Board of Selectmen not issue any opening on the commercial dock for at least six months to give the MMC time to review the regulations and obtain legal advice.  Murphy stated that he would place this on the next BOS agenda for review.

D.      General Issue

       1.      Open

E.      Old Business

1.      Discuss the newly created referendum question regarding the proposed Northeast Harbor waterfront project, along with detailing a plan to address the public about the proposed project prior to the Town Meeting.

Savaged moved this item to new business for discussion.  Public hearing, process of referendum vote, and that the project had been removed from the Town meeting floor was discussed.  Options of addressing the public about the project were discussed which included articles in the newspaper, letter to the editor, and advertising.

John Lawrence discussed the April 27th meeting “meet the warrant” will be held at the Neighborhood House and that the waterfront referendum would be discussed.  Members present stated that they could attend.

Savage asked for and recorded ideas for an informative letter.  Black stated that we started this process with two goals.  One not cost the voter’s money, and two; to generate more traffic to the up town area.

F.      Discussions

F.      Adjourn

Motion to adjourn by Savage, seconded by Haynes.  Vote:  Unanimous

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy