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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 03/09/10
March 09, 2010
Meeting will be held in
*****Northeast Harbor****
Members Present:  Chris Moore, Dana Haynes, Storey Litchfield, Harbormaster Shawn Murphy, Rick Savage, Jim Black, and Jim Bright.

Not Present:  Bill Johnston, Thomas Fernald, Ted Bromage, Jock Crothers, and Eric Jones
Not Excused: Doug Foster

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.

Meeting was called to order at 5:30 by chairmen Haynes.

Motion by Bright to discount excused MMC members from quorum, seconded by Savage.  Motion carried

B.       Minutes
1.      Approve minutes of February 09, 2010

Motion by Savage to approve as written, seconded by Bright.  Motion carried.

C.      New Business

1.      Review applications received for remaining six (6) passenger drop off/pick up service from the commercial dock in Northeast Harbor during the summer season. (May 15 thru October 15).

Applications reviewed and discussed.  Savage commented on the lottery system, multiple applications submitted by same person/operator.  Discussion followed.

Application/bid review on the four applications received.  #1 (Steven Keblinsky) and #4 (Newman and Gray) were found to be complete.  Discussion carried over to problems with regulations, parking and the need to fill the spot.  A more detailed proof of insurance and coverage policy was also discussed.  A discrepancy with #2 (Downeast Sailing Adventures) insurance coverage was discussed and reviewed by MMC and applicant and applicant Steven Keblinsky confirmed that the application lacked the appropriate paperwork.  #3 was found to not contain all information requested, with no boat proof and no insurance information.

Motion by Moore to place applicant #1 and #4 in a lottery drawing.  Seconded by Black.  Motion Carried with Savage not voting.

Sumner Miller, a member of the audience drew #4 (Newman and Gray) from a hat for BOS recommendation of approval to operate.  Steven Keblinsky asked to see the remaining ticket in the hat to confirm that his was there.  It was confirmed that the #1 ticket was still there.

Savage requested that the lottery system, the current regulations for the commercial dock, and the filling of positions be reviewed including the theory of passengers vs. vessels.

Motion by savage to review lottery and commercial float regulations.  Seconded by Moores.  Motion carried.

D.      General Issue

1.      Open

Bright inquired about insurance information provided by Mike Olson for his vessel Sunrise.  Murphy stated that a letter was received from his insurer.  Murphy stated that he would contact Olson and have an answer at the next meeting for Bright.

E.      Old Business

1.      Open

Motion by Savage requesting a moratorium be placed on the filling of any future vacancies on the commercial dock and that this be placed on the next available BOS agenda.  Seconded by Haynes.  Motion carried.

F.      Discussions

F.      Adjourn

Motion to adjourn by Moore, seconded by Savage.  Motion carried.

Submitted by:

Chris Moore

Shawn Murphy