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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 11/10/09
November 10, 2009
Municipal Office

PRESENT:, , Story Litchfield, Eric Jones, , Jim Black, , James Bright, Chris Moore, Shawn Murphy, Dana Haynes, Bill Johnston, Rick Savage, Thomas Fernald.

NOT PRESENT:  Jock Crothers, Doug Foster, Ted Bromage
All Excused.

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.

B.       Minutes
1.      Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from October 13, 2009.

Minutes accepted as written with correction on Vote count, line #185; by Moore to make vote 8-0.  Seconded by Jones. Vote 9-0 in favor.
C.      New Business

1.      Discuss cost estimates received for the installation of electrical meters on North Dock, and apply a rate for winter usage.  Murphy will provide the charge that the Marina currently pays.

Murphy stated that he had cost estimates for the installation of meters.  It was found that it would cost between $1200 – $1500 to install meters like those on the South dock.  New power pedestals that come fully equipped costs around $1500 - $1800.  Due to the costs, it was decided to break down the electric bill as Murphy discussed, adding $0.01 to charge for administrative charges.  Since this can be done over the winter with time find a solution or other meters, Murphy stated he has inquired about other meters that he has found and is awaiting cost estimates/installation estimates.  Once these are obtained, Murphy will report back to the committee.

D.      General Issue

       1.      Nominate a member of the Marine Management Committee as Secretary to take minutes at future     meetings. Harbormaster Murphy will no longer be filling this role.

Murphy stated that he would no longer be taking minutes at the meeting due to the potential conflict with his Harbormaster position.  After brief discussion from the committee, Chris Moore was nominated as Secretary.
Vote was 9-0 in favor.

E.           Old Business

E.      Discussions

F.      Adjourn

Motion to adjourn at 18:15 hrs by Savage, seconded by Jones.  Vote 9-0 in favor.

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy