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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 09/15/09

September 15, 2009
Municipal Office

PRESENT: Ted Bromage, Jock Crothers, Story Litchfield, Eric Jones, Doug Foster, Jim Black, Thomas Fernald, James Bright, Chris Moore, Shawn Murphy.

NOT PRESENT:  Rick Savage, Dana Haynes, and Bill Johnston.

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.

Ted Bromage was acting chairman.  Opened meeting at 18:34.

B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from June 09, 2009.

Taken out of order and placed at end of meeting due to public attendance for discussion on the NEH waterfront improvement project.  Motion to accept as written by Bright, seconded by Moore.
Vote: 9-0 in favor.

C.      New Business

1.      Recommend to the Board of Selectmen to advertise any open slots (if available) on the commercial dock.  Presently there are no openings.

Taken out of order and placed at end of meeting due to public attendance for discussion on the NEH waterfront improvement project.        Murphy stated that since he had written the agenda, he had found that Karl Brunner had failed to pay the commercial user fee for RIPPLES WATER TAXI.  This is a six (6) passenger drop off/pick up only.  Bright discussed the current status of SUNRISE, Mike Olson’s commercial business.  Bright stated that he felt that it was time to deal with this as extensions have been given to Olson who currently is not operating for the past couple of years.  Bright stated that he felt that by Olson just paying the user fee was not right and that this is not the intention of the regulations.  It was recomended to invite Mike Olson to the next Marine Management Committee meeting and to move item #1 under new business to the October 13, 2009 meeting, adding the six passengers now available from RIPPLES.  Moore stated that the minutes of the meeting when Olson applied for the last extension would be very helpful to see what the wishes were from the committee, along with any conditions that may have been attached.  Murphy stated that he would find these and present them at the October meeting.  Foster motioned to accept this recommendation with Moores request, seconded by Jones.
Vote: 9-0 in favor.

D.      General Issue

       1.      Open


E.           Old Business

1. Continue discussion on the Northeast Harbor Waterfront Improvement project with Noel Musson.

Murphy stated that Noel Musson had informed him that he would be unable to attend the meeting, as he had other obligations.  Murphy stated that he had informed Musson of the next meeting date in October and Musson had stated that he would be at that meeting.  

Bromage asked those in attendance as guest that if they had any questions, they could be heard and that the MMC would do their best to answer them.

Marilyn Damon inquired whether or not the tennis courts were being removed.  Black stated that at this time they were not being looked at for removal.

Another individual asked what was going to be achieved when this project was completed.  Bright responded with taking care of safety concerns with traffic and pedestrians, parking, harbormaster office needs with space, restrooms, and yachting facilities .  He stated that this was a Town owned business that makes money and that nothing had been done to the area since it was constructed.  Bright stated that the restrooms were below standard and that if you go anywhere up and down the seaboard, you will see what restrooms should be like.

Bromage stated the Marina grounds are deteriorating and need to be made attractive, safe and the facilities made to handle the amount of people that visit every year.

Bright stated that safety is a huge part of this project.  He stated that the harbormaster currently steps out of the back door right into the roadway.  

Several other questions regarding the number of accidents that have happened in the marina area, the economy and area boatyards, having individuals rough draw the plans to submit to the architect, and current harbormaster space needs were raised.

Bright motioned to table the discussion until Musson was present, with Moore seconding.  
Vote 5-4 in favor.

E.      Discussions

Discussion followed regarding the current service that CES, Inc is providing.  Murphy stated that when he spoke with Musson and found out he would not be at the meeting, Musson stated that he was looking into the pro’s/con’s of moving the tennis courts.  Black and Bright questioned as to why he would do this without the MMC’s direction and that the plan has been finalized and that this is what should be followed.  Bright also stated that he would question any time billed to the Town regarding this work on the tennis courts.   

It was also stated that the restructuring of CES, Inc and Musson's move to Southern Maine seemed to be hindering the project and the work.  Bromage asked if a call to someone else that was involved in CES, Inc would help.  Murphy stated that he disagreed with this as if anyone had questions on the project, they should be directed to Musson directly.  Then and only then, if the answer was unsatisfactory to the committee, should this be done.  Murphy questioned the work that involved keeping the Chamber building at the bottom of Sea Street after CES was informed long ago that this was not what was wanted.  He felt that a lot of time was wasted on this and it caused a setback with the general public.  He stated that he was unsure as to how much money this had cost with the plan design.  It was a consensus of the MMC to present questions to Noel at the next meeting regarding the ongoing work.

F.      Adjourn

Motion to adjourn by Moore, seconded by Jones.
Vote: 9-0

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy