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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 06/09/09
June 09, 2009
Municipal Office

Present: Dana Haynes, Jim Black, Eric Jones, Thomas Fernald, Story Litchfield, Bill Johnston, Doug Foster, Jock Crothers, Ted Bromage, Shawn Murphy

Not Present:  Rick Savage, James Bright, and Chris Moore.

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.
Acting Chair Bromage called meeting to order

B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from May 12, 2009.

Bromage made following changes to minutes:  OLD BUSINESS; correct spelling of (ever) and (every).  Fernald moved to accept with Johnston Second.
Vote unanimous 8-0 in favor.

C.      New Business

1.      Review Harbor Regulations as amended to present to the Board of Selectmen for approval.

Corrected spelling on the following:

1.2:    No moorings will be (placed)
1.22:   Shall be (placed)

Commercial Float Regs:
#3.:    add (use) to last sentence.

Bromage recommended forwarding the Harbor Regulations as amended to the Board of Selectmen for approval.  Fernald motioned with Black second.   
Vote unanimous 8-0 in favor.

D.      General Issue

Dana Haynes resumed Chair.

Murphy spoke regarding the current reservations of the year, the cancellation policy, the marina ground maintenance, and for members to use the appropriate chain of command for complaints regarding the grounds.

       1.      Open


E.           Old Business

1.      Continue discussion on the Northeast Harbor Waterfront Improvement project with Noel Musson before the summer break.

Noel Musson discussed the current project and future goals.  Discussion followed regarding the chamber building and location and why it was still shown at the bottom of Sea Street.  Musson stated that he was not at the meeting when it was moved back to the original area and discussed.  Discussion followed with Black discussing the role of the chambers placement and why it is located near the waterfront and why it should be.

It was discussed for CES to make corrected changes regarding chamber to the Conceptual design when the Topo and Land Boundary surveys are complete.  It was also discussed to keep the chamber/yachtsmen building simple.

Haynes discussed getting a group together from the MMC and Chamber to discuss their needs.  Murphy, Savage, Litchfield & Black stated they would be on the sub-committee, along with possibly three chamber members.  Black stated that he would contact the chamber, along with Savage when he returns.  Black will then contact Murphy and Musson and schedule a meeting.

-Noels Design/Development Stage Attachment-

F.      Discussions

G.      Adjourn

Fernald moved to adjourn, Johnston second.
Vote unanimous 8-0 in favor.

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy