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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 04/14/09

Minutes FOR
April 14, 2009
Municipal Office

Member’s Present:  Story Litchfield, Rick Savage, Doug Foster, Jim Black, Harbormaster Shawn Murphy, Bill Johnson, Eric Jones, Jim Bright, Chris Moore

Not Present:  Jock Crothers, Thomas Fernald, Ted Bromage, Chairmen Dana Haynes

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.

Acting Chairmen Savage called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m.

B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from February 10, 2009.

Motion by black to accept the February 10, 2009 minutes as written, Seconded by Moore.
Vote:  8-0 in favor.

C.       New Business

       1.   Review revised Harbor Regulations

Moore motioned to strike 1.1-a (regarding Harbormaster authority to require heavier gear) from the Harbor Regulations due to the possibility of liability.  A brief discussion followed.  Johnston seconded the motion.
Vote: 8-0 in favor.

Moore discussed the ability of transferring commercial moorings.  Murphy stated that the way the current law is written, you may not.  The issue of corporations owning moorings was brought up.  Considerable discussion followed.  Murphy stated that without the law in front of him he did not want to make an assumption and would get an answer from the ACOE and present it at the next MMC meeting.  Murphy did state that even though a ACOE permit may be transferred from person to person, moorings can not.

The sewage  pump-out at the marina was brought up by Savage, including the proposed No Discharge Area designated by the EPA.  Savage stated that this could cause some problems in the near future.  Murphy stated that he has written a letter to Pam Parker, EPA representative; and informed them of the unavailable pump-out stations that are listed as available in paperwork that he received.  He explained that a number of businesses that are required to have stations do not operate them and explained that it is becoming a burden at the marina as they are getting boats from Blue Hill Bay to Bar Harbor.  He also stated that it ties up the commercial dock as it takes 20 – 30 minutes to complete a pump-out.  Discussion followed.  Murphy will update when a response is received to his letter.

Bright motioned to change 4.7-b.  DINGHIES AND OUTBOARD FLOAT regarding wording for issuing permits.  Motion is as follows.
The decal will only be issued to commercial float operators and commercial fisherman.  Seconded by Johnston.
Vote:  8-0. In favor

Changes to the seafood buyers permit section and the marina regulations that had been discussed at a previous meeting were brought up by Murphy who explained the changes.

Moore moved to accept the harbor regulations as written with all changes.  Seconded by Johnston.
Vote: 8-0 in favor.

D.      General Issue

       1.      Update from Murphy regarding electrical meters/costs.  

Electrical rates were discussed.  Murphy stated that the South dock was already equipped with meters.  He stated that the North dock is not and was still awaiting prices from MCM electric for cost estimates to install as there are meters available according to information that he has obtained.  Discussion followed regarding the Sunbeam and the current fees/electrical charge that they pay.  After considerable discussion, motion was made by Savage    to change the winter electrical rates to Bangor Hydro Electrical charges and to charge all vessels that use the marina, including the Sunbeam.  Seconded by Moore.
Vote: 8-0 in favor

Foster motioned to change the current Sunbeam rate from $230.00 to $350.00 per month and adding the electrical rate in addition to the dockage fee, reviewing the Sunbeams rate annually.  Seconded by Johnston.  Discussion followed concerning why the Maine Seacoast Mission was not being charged as everyone else since they were berthed off the main pier.  Foster asked Murphy if he could rent out that area to other vessels throughout the year.  Murphy stated that if the space was available, he does rent it out.  Murphy stated that on a number of occasions during the summer he has vessels rafted to the sunbeam, which pay a daily dockage fee.
Vote:  8-0 in favor.

It was suggested that Murphy write a letter informing of the changes.

Black suggested that the issue of attendance of meetings be placed on the next MMC agenda.

E.           Old Business

1. Discuss proposed meeting with Board of Selectmen regarding Northeast harbor Waterfront project.

Savage discussed the previous wish of the MMC to be on the next available BOS agenda to discuss the waterfront project and asked why it was not there.  Bright also inquired, as he felt that it should have been.  Murphy stated that Black had discussed with him that he would like some more time before presenting the subject to the BOS and would get into contact with Savage to suggest this.  Black stated that he indeed spoke to Murphy and that he did not speak to Savage and was out of Town for three weeks.  Bright felt that because one member of the committee wanted to change the date, it should not have been since the group had already decided to on the BOS agenda.  Murphy stated that the April 21, 2009 BOS meeting would not have the full board there and that he felt Jean Bonneville should be present.  After considerable discussion, Savage suggested that it be on the BOS meeting agenda as the MMC needs to find out where their position is of the proposed project.  Murphy stated that he will get it on the April 21, 2009 BOS agenda.

F.      Discussions

G.      Adjourn

Motion to adjourn at 7:40 p.m. by Johnston, seconded by Moore.
Vote: 8-0 in favor

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy