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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 02/10/09
Minutes FOR
February 10, 2009
Municipal Office

Member’s Present:  Chairmen Dana Haynes, Story Litchfield, Rick Savage, Ted Bromage, Doug Foster, Jim Black, Harbormaster Shawn Murphy, Jock Crothers, Thomas Fernald.

Not Present:  Bill Johnson, Eric Jones, Jim Bright, Chris Moore


A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.

Chairman Haynes called the meeting to order at 17:34hrs.

B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from December 10, 2008.

Savage moved to accept minutes as written, second by Black.  Vote: 8-0 in favor

C.       New Business

       1.   Request from Ed Gray to operate a 6-passenger taxi service from Northeast Harbor during the winter season, October through May 15.

Savage motioned to accept Gray’s request, changing the beginning date to October 15 through May15, follows the same regulations regarding the summer season regulations concerning the commercial float to include passenger head fee and user fee.  Second by Fernald. Vote 8-0 in favor.

D.      General Issue

       1.      Review Summer and Winter Rates.

After discussion regarding summer rates, Bromage moved to accept them as is with no changes for the 09 summer season, second by Savage.  Vote 8-0 in favor.
Review for the 2010 summer season will be scheduled for the October MMC meeting.

Electricity was brought up regarding the winter rates.  After considerable discussion, Murphy will check into the costs associated with installing electric usage meters to the dock pedestals and will bring the results to the next MMC meeting.

Dry storage rates for both floats and boats were discussed.  Motion by Black for a 50% increase for both resident and non-resident rates for boats and floats was made.  Resident boat will be $9.00/ft (from $6.00/ft), Resident floats will be $.90/sq.ft. (From $.60/sq.ft.)  Non resident boat will be $18.00/ft (from $12.00/ft) and Non resident float will be $1.80/sq.ft. From ($1.20/sq.ft.).  Second by foster.  Vote 8-0 in favor.

       2.   Review harbor regulations and ordinance, specifically the sections regarding the reservation policy.

Section 3.0 SEAFOOD BUYING REGULATIONS were discussed.  After considerable discussion regarding the separation of different fisheries currently listed, Savage motioned to delete any reference regarding individual fisheries from the regulation, placing them all under “seafood”, limiting the total number of buyers permits to four (4), allowing the Harbormaster to have sole discretion of where the buying of the seafood product will take place.  A one time permit will still be issued and will be limited to the day that the product was bought.  Second by Bromage.  Vote 8-0 in favor.

The reservation policy for the summer season was discussed.  Murphy stated that with the current regulation individuals can cancel within one day of arrival.  With vessels waitlisted for the dates canceled, many have already booked dock space elsewhere, leaving the marina with empty slips and unable to fill the vacancy.  Murphy suggested that a 10 day cancellation policy or a 30 day cancellation policy would help.  After considerable discussion it was decided that a 10 day cancellation policy, including the payment for the vacant dock space that the marina could not fill was the best option.  If the dock space could be filled, the cancelling vessel would not be charged.  If the dock space was partially filled, the cancelling vessel would be charged the daily rate for those days that the dock was vacant.  Black suggested that Murphy write the regulation to the recommendation from the MMC and present this at the next MMC meeting.

Savage departed meeting.

Murphy suggested a few other areas of the regulations that repeat themselves throughout the document.  It was decided that the MMC members would further review these prior to the next meeting.  Murphy will forward his revised Harbor regulations to the MMC member for review when completed.

E.           Old Business

1.  Open

F.      Discussions

G.      Adjourn

Bromage motioned for adjournment, second by Fernald.  Vote  (7-0) in favor.

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy