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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 06/10/08
June 10th , 2008
Municipal Office

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.

Member’s Present:  Chairmen Dana Haynes, Story Litchfield, Rick Savage, Ted Bromage, Bill Johnson, Chris Moore, Jim Black, Jim Bright (Late), Eric Jones, Harbormaster Shawn Murphy, Jock Crothers, Thomas Fernald, Doug Foster

Guests:  Noel Musson, Mary Wilkinson, Jan Mackintosh, Don Mackintosh, Bill Wilkinson, John Lowe, Jackie Lowe, Judy Holmes, Mike Johnson, Stephen Fernald, John Fernald, Katrina Carter, Mike MacDonald, James Willis, Andrew Allen, James Allen, Steve Henry, Karl Brunner.

B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from May 13th, 2008 and May 28th, 2008.

Motion to approve May 13th, 2008 minutes by Moore as written, second by Fernald.  Vote 11-0
Motion to approve May 28th, 2008 minutes by Moore as written, second by Black.  Vote 11-0

C.       New Business

1.      Discuss the present agreement with members from the Maine Seacoast Missionary Society regarding the docking of the Sunbeam at the Northeast Harbor pier and possibilities to utilize the area for other commercial activity.

Bright opened discussion of the possibility of utilizing the main pier where the sunbeam berths for general use.  Discussion followed from Jones of the possibilities of the vessel mooring for seven months of the year allowing others to utilize the pier.  Mike Johnson stated that he agreed that there were times when he was in the way but felt that he would be very uncomfortable with mooring the current boat due to the size of it.  Johnson stated that the Maine Seacoast Missionary Society were in the beginning stages of discussing the construction of a new vessel, which may be smaller than the present and discussion followed from Bromage about size and design.

Moore discussed the possibility of the vessel utilizing dock space elsewhere, mentioning Great Harbor Marina.  Johnson discussed the possibility of remodeling the end of the North Dock, adding a larger floating structure and piles as a possibility.

Chairman Haynes postponed discussion to open the public hearing for the proposed marina renovations.

5:45:  Public Hearing on the design work from CES, Inc. for the proposed marina area renovations

Public hearing opened with Noel Musson from CES, Inc.  Musson presented an agenda for the hearing outlining what was going to be discussed.

Savage discussed the history of the marina and the harbor.  He stated that since the marina area was constructed, there have not been any changes to it for fifty plus years.  Savage discussed the intent of the marina project and the attempt to provide adequate services to yachtsmen, harbormaster facilities, public visitors, and public restrooms which currently are not to standard.  Savage stated that the Marine Management Committee has put a lot of time and effort in getting this proposed project underway and discussed the soliciting for bids for a conceptual design, with CES being chosen by the Board of Selectmen for this portion of the project.

Musson continued discussion about the project and users, stressing the importance of all involved in and around the area.  Abutting property owners were mentioned and how the importance of their input was for this project.  It was also noted of the need to provide an adequate service to the users of the facilities, including the general public, guest of the area, and boaters.

Musson discussed Scheme E, which was presented as the design favored by the MMC.  This was discussed in length regarding the changing of traffic flow and roadways, the veteran’s memorial placement, parking lots and green space, along with concerns of public safety vehicles entering and exiting the area.

There was discussion from the public regarding the upkeep of the area after the project was completed and mention of underground water and sewer lines.  Murphy stated that the area would not be left to go back into disrepair as the present condition exists and assured the public that he would make sure that the area was kept up.  He also informed those attending the meeting that they would have the ultimate say regarding if the project would happen or not, as the area was theirs and that this is the way that it should be.  Savage stated that this would go before the voters at a town meeting for approval.

Clunnan, a member of the planning board, questioned what the view from the water would look like.  Musson stated that it would change from the present look, but stated that this has not been worked out yet.  Lowe inquired about the island between the Town Hall and the Marina.  He stated that he felt that this area did not look appealing and that this should be included in the overall design.

Property owners abutting the area also discussed the proposed two way traffic that would increase the amount of vehicles passing in front of their homes.  Another question was raised about what the area was going to look like from their residence, as the present is green space.

The topic of the present use of the garbage dumpsters was raised and the question asked about if it was going to be included in the design.  Musson stated that their would be dumpsters, but that it would be for the marina users.  This was the original use for the dumpster that is presently there.

Musson thanked all that was in attendance and stated that he would take all the questions and concerns back with him for consideration.  

Public hearing closed at 18:50
2.      Karl Brunner wishes to discuss proposed changes to his operations from the Commercial Dock in Northeast Harbor.

Brunner inquired about removing one of the four vessels (Ripples) that he currently operates as a drop off/ pick up venture from the commercial dock in Northeast Harbor.  In doing so, Brunner requested permission to transfer the six (6) passengers allowed with that vessel to his new boat, the Elizabeth T, which also operates as a drop off/ pick up service.  Brunner stated that he would like to change this transfer into a six (6) passenger scheduled trip.

Considerable discussion followed regarding the changing of the present service to something else.  After all was heard, it was decided that the request did not fit under the present regulations, though it was noted that his request made sense.  Brunner inquired about transferring his user fee from ripples to the Elizabeth T.  Murphy stated that he was obviously aware of the BOS recommendation for the direct transfer from the previous owner of Elizabeth T to him, but stated that he had not heard that the deal went through.  Murphy stated that since the deal has gone through, he needed to meet with Brunner in regard to the unpaid user fee and that Brunner needed to decide as to what he was going to do.  Brunner stated that he would be in to discuss this with Murphy.

D.      General Issue

       1.      Open

The issue regarding the Sunbeam and the possibility of a new vessel was discussed.  It was stressed that the present concern at the pier be taken into account when designing a new vessel, one that would be suitable for sitting on a mooring.  The current use of the pier was discussed and the intention of the pier when it was constructed.  After considerable discussion,  it was understood that moving the Sunbeam was not directed at the Sunbeam itself, but that it was to utilize the pier in a way that all could benefit from.  It was also mentioned that a letter regarding this subject be drafted regarding the concerns mentioned and sent to the Maine Seacoast Missionary Society in hopes to reiterate the necessary questions regarding the construction of a new vessel and the possible changes that they may face for dockage.

E.           Old Business


F.      Discussions

G.      Adjourn

Black motioned to adjourn, second by Bright 19:45.  Vote Unanimous.

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy