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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 05/28/08
May 28th , 2008
Municipal Office

A.      Call to Order at 5:35 p.m.
Member’s Present:  Chairmen Dana Haynes, Story Litchfield, Rick Savage, Ted Bromage, Chris Moore, Jim Black(late),, Jim Bright, Eric Jones, Harbormaster Shawn Murphy, and Jock Crothers.

Not Present:  Doug Foster, Thomas Fernald, Bill Johnson,

Guests:  Noel Musson,

B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from May 13th, 2008.
Minutes were moved to be accepted at the June 10th, 2008 Marine Management Committee meeting due to committee members not receiving them from the Town Office.

C.       New Business

Discussion about not receiving any meeting mailings/email from the Town Office regarding the Special meeting.  Murphy advised that all information had been forwarded to the Town Office in a timely manner for this mailing and did not understand why it had not been done.  Murphy stated that he will do the mailings from now on as it is a necessity that everyone gets the information as the meetings depend on it.  Murphy stated that he would find out why the mailing had not gone out.

1.      Discuss the public meeting regarding the Marina Project that will be held on June 10th, 2008 and proposed plan with Noel Musson from CES, Inc.

Noel Musson (CES,Inc.) presented two new schemes for the marina expansion with the revised changes that were brought up at the previous MMC meeting.  Scheme D and Scheme E were looked over and decided that Scheme E was the most suitable.  Discussion followed regarding the commercial area, public restroom location, parking spaces, placement of memorial, ticket booth, and yachtsmen facilities.  Minor adjustments were made to locations and the overall consensus of members present was that Scheme E looked very good.  Discussion of the tennis courts were brought up about whether or not they were needed.  It was decided that they were important and would be left in the drawing.

Moore motioned to accept Scheme E with changes presented for presenting at the June 10, 2008 public hearing, seconded by Savage.  Vote was unanimous.

2.      Notice of revoked mooring privileges for the following individuals for non-payment of the registration fee and recommendation from committee to forward to the board of Selectmen.

ft;">D.      General Issue

       1.      Open

E.           Old Business


F.      Discussions

G.      Adjourn

Motion to adjourn by Haynes, second by Bromage.  Vote unanimous.

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy