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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 04/08/08
April 8th , 2008
Municipal Office

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.

Member's Present:  Chairmen Dana Haynes,  Story Litchfield, Rick Savage, Ted Bromage, Bill Johnston, Chris Moore, Jim Black, Jim Bright, Eric Jones, Harbormaster Shawn Murphy.

Not Present:  Thomas Fernald, Doug Foster, Tom Brown, Jock Crothers, Rob Liebow (resigned)

B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from February 12, 2008.

      Motion by Savage, second by Bright to accept minutes as written.  Unanimous vote (9-0) in favor.

C.       New Business

1.    Discussion on Marine Management Committee members Attendance and thoughts on recommendation for setting a maximum number of members.

Considerable discussion on committee member's present attendance for meetings.  Issues discussed were the problems with having members not being committed to attending meetings, notifying when not being able to attend.  Discussion ensued regarding setting a maximum number of members that could sit on the committee.  Other discussion regarding setting a maximum number of meetings that a committee member could be absent during a year.   Black stated that this has been a topic and problem for many years and recalled discussing this several times in the past.

There was also discussion on the present application procedure and how members have been placed without it going in front of the committee prior to the Board of Selectmen's approval.  After more discussion by Black,   Motion by Moore, second by Bright for the following recommendation to the Board of Selectmen:

1.      Recommendation that the Board of Selectmen place a maximum number of "Ten" (10)  for the allowed number of positions available for the Marine Management Committee, reducing the current number of members through attrition, and establish a waitlist of potential members that apply.
2.      Recommend that the Board of Selectmen set an attendance policy limiting every member of the Marine Management Committee to a maximum of "Three" (3) absences during the fiscal year (July 1st through June 30th) for the Town of Mount Desert.
3.      Recommend that all applications for the Marine Management Committee be forwarded to the Marine Management Committee for review prior to acceptance by the Board of Selectmen.

Unanimous vote (9-0)

2.     Appoint a secretary for the marine management committee.

After considerable discussion, Savage recommended that Murphy take over as secretary.  Moore gave his overwhelming offer to assist when necessary.

D.      General Issue

       1.      Open

E.           Old Business

       1.   Update/Discussion on NEH improvement project at 6:00 p.m. from CES, Inc.

Noel Musson, from CES, Inc.  was on hand to discuss the RFP project.  Musson provided the committee and members of the public three (3) different sketches of the project area.  After reviewing each sketch and after several discussions of pros and cons on each, sketch C was chosen as the preferred sketch to go on with.

Considerable discussion followed by all members and parties present regarding placement of roads, parking lots, buildings/restrooms/yachtsmen facilities, green space(use of)/picnic areas, and veterans memorial placement.  Musson stated that he would take these ideas and incorporate them into the sketch and present them at the May meeting.  Items of interest were availability of more parking, working on the commercial area of the project area, Public restrooms, Chamber/Yachtsmen facility, Harbormaster building/Ticket Booth, and picnic/bandstand area within the green space.

Musson discussed setting a public meeting for all interested parties, including but not limited to abutting property owners and residents for the June MMC meeting to get ideas/input.  Musson stated that he had a list of several of these individuals, and the MMC will advertise this meeting.

F.         Discussions

Bright stated that he would like to bring back the idea of incorporating a launch service into the mooring agent contract.  Savage agreed, stating that it should be a combined unit.  Bright requested that Murphy perform a survey of other harbors that have similar issues and what they have done, including if they have a launch service and how it is operated.

On another issue, Bright discussed the present location of the Main Seacoast Missionary Society's "Sunbeam."  Bright stated that he would like to see a different use of the side of the pier that the vessel currently utilizes due to the growth of the harbor and the current utilization of the pier.  Bright stated that they have a mooring and sees no reason that the vessel could not be placed on this when not in use.  Moore agreed, stating that the vessel is equipped with a generator for power.  Bright and Jones stated that the area in question could be utilized for potential dockage for the summer season, along with commercial activity in conjunction with the south side.  Bromage inquired what the revenue is from the "sunbeam".  Murphy stated that the Mission pays $260.00/month, year round.  Discussion followed about the fact that the operations have increased and that the vessel is out of the harbor more than in the past, opening the pier area up more than normal.  Committee requested that Murphy invite Mike Johnson to the May MMC meeting to discuss the current arrangement between the Town and the Mission regarding the vessel placement.  Murphy stated that he would do this.

G.      Adjourn

Motion by Savage, second by Moore to adjourn.  Vote unanimous (9-0)

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy