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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 10/24/07
October 24th , 2007
Municipal Office
Northeast Harbor

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.
(Acting Chairman Savage) called the meeting to order at 5:50 PM with
the following members present:
Harbormaster Murphy, Bromage, Bright, Litchfield, Savage, Black,Johnston, Foster, Savage
Excused:  Fernald, Crothers(Leave of Absence),Brown, Haynes, Jones, Moore, Liebow

B.       Old Buisness
Marina Restoration proposals were discussed.  Four complete proposals were received and viewed by members of the Marine Management Committee.  A total of Five (5) proposals were submitted, with STANTEC's proposal being incomplete, not having a separate cost estimate submitted.  The Four (4) complete proposals received were from the following, along with cost estimates which was opened by acting chairman Savage after reviewing the submitted proposals.

1.      CES, Inc.
Cost proposal $27,000.00

2.  STYDesign Consultants
Cost proposal $90,000.00

3.  Pare Corporation
Cost proposal $45,000.00

4.  Coplon Associates
Cost proposal $44,422.00

Motion made by Foster to recommend to the Board of Selectmen CES Inc. as the #1 choice for acceptance, STYDesign as #2 choice, and Coplon Associates as the #3 choice .

Seconded by Black, (8-0) in favor.

Savage discussed that the proposals be sent back to Town Manager Michael MacDonald along with the cost estimates.

G.      Adjourn
Motion by Savage and second by Black to adjourn at 6:40 PM (8-0) in favor.

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy