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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 10/16/07
October 16th , 2007
Municipal Office
Northeast Harbor

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.
Chairman Haynes (Acting Chairman Savage) called the meeting to order at 5:40 PM with
the following members present:
Liebow, Harbormaster Murphy, Haynes, Bright, Litchfield, Savage, Black, Jones, Johnston,
Moore, Foster
Excused:  Fernald, Crothers, Bromage, Brown

B.       Minutes
       1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from September 11, 2007
Motion by Bright second by Black to approve the minutes as presented for September 11th.

C.       New Business
1.   Discuss the six (6) remaining passengers available on the commercial dock.
Discussion was held regarding whether to fill the remaining six passangers at the
Commercial dock.  Motion by Savage to direct the selectmen to advertise for the remaining
Six passangers available at the commercial dock. Second by Johnston (9-0)

2.   Direct Transfer of Black Jack with no changes to C.D. Harris.      
Motion by Foster, second by Black to allow for the transfer of Black Jack to C.D. Harris to
operate the vessel Greensleeves with no change in the nature of the operation (9-0)

D.      General Issue

       1.      Open
a.  Letter from Storey King requesting transfer of his business for Elizabeth T to Karl
Brunner.  Motion by Bright to table the request at this time until the $500 base fee for
The 2007 summer season is paid in full placing him in good standing with the requirements
Of the regulations, second by Jones (9-0)

b.  Request from Mike Olsen to remain an approved operator at the commecial dock
while the vessel remains in restoration.  No action was taken on this request at this
time and the matter was directed back to the harbormaster

E.           Old Business

1.      Advise the MMC regarding what the process is to allow the harbormaster to move fishing gear from around boats.
Harbormaster Murphy informed the committee that permission to move fishing gear by the
Harbormaster would have to be approved by the Department of Marine Resources
      2.  Discuss the marina project and what the process/schedule will be for reviewing proposal.
     Materials on the proposed project were distributed and this issue will be placed on the
Next agenda for the Marine Management Committee.   
F.      Discussions
Next meeting was set as a special meeting for Wednesday, October 24th at 5:30 PM to discuss marina
Restoration proposals

G.      Adjourn
Motion by  Johnson and second by Jones to adjourn at  6:20 PM (9-0)

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy