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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 09/11/07
September 11th, 2007
Municipal Office
Northeast Harbor
A.    Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Haynes at 5:40 PM with the following members in attendance
Attendance:  Liebow, Jones, Fernald, Bright, Bromage, Foster, Savage, Litchfield, Moore, Black and Harbormaster Murphy
B.      Minutes
       1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee
Meeting from June 12, 2007
Motion by Fernald to approve the June meeting minutes second by Moore (11-0)
C.      New Business
1.      Discussion from Stockton Smith regarding his problems with lobster
pots being set too close too his vessel.
A lengthy discussion was held between Mr. Smith, the committee and local fisherman regarding this issue.  The general consensus was to try to cultivate a spirit of cooperation between all Parties and not to enact an ordinance at this point in time. Motion by Liebow and second by Fernald to direct the Harbormaster to investigate whether the Harbormaster can be authorized to move trap buoys that present a hazard to safe navigation in the mooring field of the town¹s harbors at the request of a mooring owner. Second by Fernald
2.     Andrew Keblinsky request referred from the BOS regarding allowing
"drop off" only in Northeast Harbor for his Fifty some foot vessel "Hurricane".  Current regulations disallow this activity at any public float.
Discussion on this issue focused on the fact that this proposed activity is not allowed by Current regulations.  Motion by Jones, second by Moore to deny the request as presented (10-0) Savage abstained due to a conflict of interest
D.      General Issue
        1.      Open
Discussion was held regarding objects left on the town floats and mooring rocks at the Northeast Harbor boat ramp
E.           Old Business
       1.  Continue working on the improvement project for the Northeast Harbor area.  
Harbormaster Murphy gave an update on the deadlines for RFP¹s for work to be proposed at the marina area in Northeast Harbor.  Proposals are due on the 29th of September and will be reviewed at the committee meeting in October
F.      Discussions
G.   Adjourn
Motion by Fernald to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 PM second by Bright (11-0)
Submitted by:
Shawn Murphy