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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 04/10/07
April 10, 2007
Municipal Office
Northeast Harbor

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.
Present: Jock Crothers, Storey Litchfield, James Black, James Bright, Shawn Murphy, Ted Bromage, Dana Haynes, Eric Jones, Tom Brown, Doug Foster(late), Rick Savage
Not Present/excused:  Rob Liebow, , Thomas Fernald
Guest: Michael MacDonald

B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from March 13, 2006

     Johnston moved and Bromage seconded to approve the minutes of the MMC meeting of     March 13th, 2006 as written.  Vote 9-0 in favor, 1 not present.

C.       New Business
1.       Michael MacDonald will be at the meeting discussing the marina area renovations/diagrams that the University of Maine drafted.  This is a project that I have discussed with you all at previous meetings.  It is urged that all members attend this meeting as everyone's input is very important.

Presentation made by Mike MacDonald regarding the marina development.  Savage moved and Bromage seconded that the Marine Management Committee review and pursue the concepts of waterfront improvements in Northeast Harbor.  Vote unanimous in favor.

Bromage will make copies of the marina development disc that the University of Maine provided the Town with and will distribute via the Town Office, along with a work sheet that Shawn will draft.

D.      General Issue

     Discussion about the electrical repair at the marina by Murphy and what problems will be corrected.  The pump out vessel was brought up and discussed.  Murphy stated that during the initial research into a vessel, the only ones that have been found are impractical for the needs of the area.  Murphy stated that he feels that it's a very serious problem that really needs to be looked at, but is unrealistic that this will happen in the very near future.  Discussion continued, ending with looking into alternative measures for reducing the unlawful discharge of waste into the waters by visiting boaters.

Bromage asks how the mooring registrations were coming.  Murphy stated that they were looking very good.

       1.      Open

E.           Old Business

F.      Discussions

G.      Adjourn

    Black motioned and second by Bromage to adjourn.  10-0 in favor.  19:12 p.m.

Submitted by: Shawn Murphy

Shawn Murphy