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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 05/08/07
May 08, 2007
Municipal Office
Northeast Harbor

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.
Present: Jock Crothers, Story Litchfield,  James Bright, Shawn Murphy, Ted Bromage (late),  Eric Jones, Tom Brown, Doug Foster, Rick Savage, Thomas Fernald, Bill Johnston

Not Present/excused:  Rob Liebow(E), James Black, Dana Haynes, Tom Brown(E), James Bright


B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from April 10, 2007
      Crothers motioned to open meeting, nominating Savage as chairperson, Johnston seconded.

     Johnston moved and Foster seconded to approve the minutes , correcting spelling of Story and adding Johnston to the attendance. Vote unanimous

C.       New Business
1.      Murphy advised the MMC of the proposal from MCM electric that was received.  After discussing the electrical issues that the marina is facing, Johnston motioned to complete sections (A) and (B) of the proposal by the 2007 summer season, holding off on section (C) until next year.  Litchfield seconded.  Vote unanimous.

 2.    Murphy advised MMC that Chris Moore has applied to become a member.  Murphy advised that he had attempted to phone Moore so that he could be present, should there be any questions.  Discussion about tardiness of present member came up.  Savage advised individuals that leave for a long time throughout the winter should get off the committee.  Savage motioned to appoint Moore to the MMC with Johnston second.  Vote unanimous.

D.      General Issue

        1.     Open

E.           Old Business

         1.  Continue working on the improvement project for the Northeast Harbor area.

Discussion on Improvement of the Marina area.  Savage discussed polling each member for their priorities on what should be done in their minds and which are most important, also citing what is not important at this time.  Several different aspects of the marina design were discussed.

Savage asked Murphy to obtain what the procedure is in obtaining funding for the planning stage (contracting, bidding out for proposals), how much money is available for this, where would it come from, and if it would be available for doing such a project.

Discussion continued, advising each present member to look at defining the needs of the marina and its surrounding area, bringing this information to the next meeting.   

F.      Discussions

G.      Adjourn

    Savage motioned and second by Johnston to adjourn.  Vote unanimous.  19:00 p.m.

Submitted by: Shawn Murphy

Shawn Murphy