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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 06/12/07
June 12, 2007
Municipal Office
Northeast Harbor

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.
Present: James Black, Dana Haynes, Tom Brown, Jock Crothers, James Bright, Shawn Murphy, Ted Bromage,  Tom Brown,  Rick Savage, Chris Moore

Not Present/excused:  Rob Liebow, Thomas Fernald, Bill Johnston, Doug Foster, Eric Jones,
Story Litchfield.


B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from May 08, 2007

      Moved and seconded to approve the minutes. Vote unanimous

C.       New Business
1.      Discussion about the lack of attendance at meetings, and the possibility of placing a maximum number of members on the MMC.  Bright stated that a letter should be sent out to all current members stressing the importance of showing up to the meetings.  Bright also mentioned that if the commitment can not be made, the member should get off the committee.  
Savage motioned to send a letter that emphasizes the importance to be present at the meetings.  Motion also includes the recommendation to the Board of Selectmen to place a maximum number of members at eleven (11), which will be accomplished through attrition.  Second by Crothers.  Vote unanimous

D.      General Issue

        1.  Bromage asked how the mooring registration went this year.  Murphy explained that there was one mooring in Seal Harbor and one in Bartlett landing that was not registered and that registered mail had been sent.

E.           Old Business

         1.  Continue working on the improvement project for the Northeast Harbor area.

    Finalizing the "Request for Proposals" was done with considerable discussion about the contents.  A final draft will be submitted to Murphy from Bromage for review by Town Manager MacDonald.  It was recommended that this be placed on the June 18th, 2007 Board of Selectmen agenda.  
F.      Discussions

            Bromage stated and all present agreed the next meeting will be September 11, 2007.

G.      Adjourn

    Bright motioned and second by Savage to adjourn.  Vote unanimous.  

Submitted by: Shawn Murphy