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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 06/13/06
June 13th, 2006
Neighborhood House
Northeast Harbor

A.      Call to Order at 6:30 p.m.

Members present: Thomas Fernald, James Black, Eric Jones, James Bright, Dana Haynes, Doug Foster, Ted Bromage, Storey Litchfield, William Johnston, Jock Crothers, Shawn Murphy.   Not Present-excused:  Robert Liebow, Thomas Brown.  Guests:  Skip Fraley, Jay Clement, Andrew Keblinsky.

B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from May 10, 2006

Motion to accept minutes as read from May 10, 2006 MMC meeting by William Johnston, seconded by James Bright.  Vote 10-0.

C.       New Business
1.      Questions and answers with a representative of the Army Corps of Engineers.

Questions and answers on general issues involving the USACOE and their involvement in and outside of Northeast Harbor with Jay Clement.
Under new business, Skip Fraley's mooring #375 was discussed.  Skip inquired on what he needed to do to keep his mooring as guest, which is located out in front of their residence.  After considerable discussion, Harbormaster Murphy informed Mr. Fraley that he would have to upgrade the existing gear to meet the minimum standards set by the Town of Mount Desert, and has a vessel to fit that series mooring within a year.
Motion by Fernald and seconded by Johnston to leave the issue to the discretion of the Harbormaster.  Vote: 10-0

2.      Revocation of mooring privileges from the following owners that failed to register their moorings.  Copies of letters sent will be included.


        A.  Charles Gagnebin - Moorings # 301 & # 406
Harbormaster Murphy requested that Charles Gagnebin be removed from the agenda.  He stated that Gagnebin had given up his mooring privileges, sold property, and moved.  Murphy stated that Wayne Hodgdon, who cares for Gagnebin's mooring informed him of this.  Murphy also stated that no response has been received from Gagniben through any of the mailings, phone calls.  Chairman Haynes removed item from the agenda.


        A.  Storey King - Mooring # 125
Harbormaster Murphy explained that no response has been received from the registration mailing, certified mail and numerous phone calls to Storey King in regards to his mooring registration.  Kings mooring has not been in the water for several years and was informed this year by Murphy, that if the mooring was not in and registered by March 1, 2006, King would lose his mooring privileges. Murphy stated that the last inspection date for the mooring was 1998.  Murphy stated that every year King has promised to have the mooring placed, but has never followed through.   Motion by Johnson and seconded by Bright for Mooring #125 in Northeast Harbor to be removed and King to lose his mooring privileges.  Vote: 10-0


        A.  Ross Anderson - Mooring # 321
Harbormaster Murphy states that Mr. Anderson failed to respond to the registration letter, certified mail, or phone calls regarding his mooring registration.  Murphy stated that the last inspection of this mooring was in 2002.  Motion by Bromage and seconded by Johnson to revoke the mooring privileges of Ross Anderson and remove Mooring # 321 from Seal Harbor.  Vote: 10-0

Andrew Keblinsky asked to be heard under New Business.  Keblinsky stated that he would like to apply for the available commercial dock passengers, operating a "6-pack".  Keblinsky was informed by Johnston that there were no passengers available.  After several inquiries by Keblinsky whether or not there was "Thirty" available passenger spots available off of the commercial dock, Murphy stated that due to the amount of time that was spent on Keblinsky's appeal, then having the appeal withdrawn and this being the last Marine Management Committee meeting before September, the allocation of these available passengers were going to be advertised prior to September 30, 2006.  Murphy stated to Keblinsky that he was made fully aware of this when he withdrew his appeal and was informed that the commercial dock regulations were going to be followed.  Murphy informed Keblinsky to keep watching in the papers for the notice of the Town accepting proposals for the commercial dock prior to September 30, 2006.
Keblinsky insisted on inquiring whether or not there was "thirty" available passengers off of the commercial dock.  Keblinsky was informed again to keep an eye out in the papers for the advertisement.

D.      General Issue

       1.      Open

Harbormaster Murphy informed the committee that the realignment was completed in Somes Harbor.  Murphy discussed that what took place and that he felt that it came out according to the design.  Murphy stated that the only complaints that he has received was from the individuals that were moved to a spot in the harbor that they did not like.  Murphy stated that it all depended on where an individual ended up in the harbor as to whether or not they were happy with the realignment.  Murphy stated that a channel was made to the Landing Corps dock through the mooring field and a large anchorage for visiting vessels.  Murphy stated that there was not as many moorings issued as originally thought due to the minimal depth of water in the northern end of the harbor, and because of the access to the harbor issue.

Murphy discussed the current "four hour" tie up section of the public float for outboards and options for turning this into a commercial fishermen's tie up to allow for larger boats.  After considerable discussion, Bright motioned to eliminate the existing four hour tie up area and to extend the commercial dinghy area with the current fourteen foot limit. Motion failed due to the lack of a second.  

E.           Old Business

F.      Discussions

G.      Adjourn

Motion for adjournment by Bromage at 8:43, seconded by Crothers.  Vote:10-0

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy