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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 03/14/06
March 14th, 2006
Neighborhood House, Northeast Harbor

A.      Call to Order at 6:30 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Haynes at 6:32 PM

Members Present: Liebow, Murphy, Crothers, Bright, Brommage, Litchfield, Haynes. Jones, Brown, Johnston, Fernald  Absent: Foster, Black (excused)

Guests:  Andrew Keblinsky, Andy Horner, Dayton Arey, Cuyler Morris, Bruce McQuaid, Eric Roos, James Allen, Mike Olsen

B.       Minutes
       1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from February 14th, 2006

The minutes from the previous meeting were discussed. There was a question from Mr. Keblinsky as to whether he had been told as reflected in the minutes that there was a waiting list or not for commercial dock privileges.  Mr. Keblinsky was informed that the minutes were accurate as written.  Moved by Johnston and second by Brommage to approve the minutes as printed. (11-0)

C.       New Business
1.      Morris Yachts requesting information on moorings outside the harbor limits and floats within the harbor.
Morris Yachts as represented by Dayton Arey, Cuyler Morris, Bruce McQuaid, Eric Roos and Andy Horner informed the board that their main purpose in NEH was to offer a full-service boatyard facility and not to provide for a big expansion to their facility or float system.  They wish to state that their intent is to work in what was the present footprint of the previous yard when they leased the yard from John Butler.  They hope to keep the two floats, some 80 feet of dock space (1/3 of their total available float space) that were deemed "illegally" placed after they signed their lease agreement with Mr. Butler.  Discussion was then held about The Army Corps of Engineer's regulations in relation to the previous dredging of the harbor and the prevention of the placement of any structure such as floats out beyond the dredge line.  Harbormaster Murphy informed the representatives that if they obtained permits for floats etc. from the Army Corps then they would be considered for approval.  A suggestion was made by Mr. Murphy to invite a representative from the Army Corps to the next meeting of the MMC to discuss this issue to include the possibility of temporary use permitting.  Mr. Murphy will pursue this request.  Discussion then turned to a request from Morris Yachts about whether moorings could be placed outside the harbor entrance.  Mr. Murphy informed the representatives that initial permission would have to be obtained from the landowners "inshore" from the mooring spot under consideration due to their reparian rights before approval for mmooring placement could be requested.  
D.      General Issue

       1.   Inquire on the possibilities of building a new ticket booth/mooring agent building to replace the existing         one.  This would increase size and space for any future business venture and also help with the        harbormaster's limited space.

Mr. Murphy informed the committee that he would like the group to consider support for the renovation and expansion of the present ticket booth space to make room for future operators, to include the mooring agents in order to free-up space in the harbormaster office area.  Motion by Liebow to authorize harbormaster Murphy to pursue expansion and renovation concept plans for a new ticket booth.  Second by Crothers (11-0)

E.           Old Business
1.     Mooring Inspectors- tardy on supplying the information to the Harbormaster regarding inspections that they     have done.  Ted Bromage would like to look into ways that the MMC can solve this problem.

Mr. Brommage would like a system to be developed to address the problem of mooring inspectors not turning information on mooring inspections over to the harbormaster in a timely manner.   Mr. Murphy states that the problem is getting better and he wishes to leave the situation as is for the time being.  No motion was made in the matter and therefore the present situation will continue as is.

2.      Discuss proposed Commercial Dock regulations and where it stands.  Define and suggest the objectives   that the Marine Management Committee would like to see imposed as rules and regulations concerning the         commercial dock, rather than actually drafting the document.  

Mr. Murphy informed the committee that the selectmen had voted the previous night to go forward with the regulations as printed to include a lottery system for new ventures and move the matter to a public hearing on Monday, March 20, 2006.  If passed by the selectmen on the 20th then the regulations will immediately go into effect.

F.      Discussions
All future meetings will be held at the Neighborhood House until further notice

G.      Adjourn

Motion by Bright and second by Brown to adjourn at 8:03 PM. (11-0)
Next meeting on April 11, 2006

Submitted by:  Robert E. Liebow, Secretary