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School Board Meeting Minutes 06/19/09

Mount Desert School Department
Mount Desert School Committee
The Mount Desert School Committee held a meeting on Wednesday, 19 June 2009, with the following
members present: Chair Heather Jones and Gail Marshall
Not enough members present for a quorum
Also present were Scott McFarland and Rob Liebow
Heather Jones called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m.
Principal McFarland presented his report to the committee.
Though there were not enough members for a quorum, the following items were discussed:
• Drainage Issues on the ball field: Principal McFarland informed the group that there are ongoing
drainage issues with the field that is causing considerable erosion with the infields of the
ball fields after heavy rains. Tim Gott looked at the issues and suggested putting in a drainage
pipe the entire length of the base of the hill (estimated cost of $18,000). Principal McFarland will
contact Sam Coplon and see if he would advise us.
• Boiler Repair: Principal McFarland informed the group that one of the three boilers has some
significant gasket leaks that need to be repaired. In order to repair, the boiler will need to be
dismantled for an estimated cost of $2,000 for the repairs and $6,900 to replace all of the gaskets
throughout the boiler. Principal McFarland will get a price for the complete replacement of the
entire boiler and will determine the efficiency of the current boiler compared to a new boiler.
• Student Handbook: Principal McFarland presented proposed changes to the student handbook.
There were no substantive changes other than a suggestion for the cost of a student lunch to go
from $2.00 to $2.25 (state maximum is $2.50) and to have the cost of an adult meal go from
$4.00 to $4.25. All of the other schools have agreed upon the same increase. Though there was no
quorum, the handbook needed to get to the printers so it was agreed that Principal McFarland
could proceed and that other members would be contacted via email.
• Crisis Plan: Principal McFarland presented a one-page summary of the proposed plan. Action
was tabled to the September meeting.
• 8th class trip policies/guidelines: Heather Jones presented her latest draft of the 8th grade class
trip guidelines. This will be presented at the September meeting.
There was no other business.
Sept. 16th, 2009 at 4:00 P.M. at Mount Desert Elementary School
Future Agenda Items
• 8th grade class trip policies and guidelines
• Adoption of Crisis Plan
• MEA scores
• Boiler Repair update
• Ball Field drainage issues update
• Discussion of committee roles on sub-committees
• Goal setting
Respectfully submitted: Scott McFarland, Principal Mount Desert Elementary School