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School Board Meeting Minutes 05/06/09

Mount Desert School Department
Mount Desert School Committee

The Mount Desert School Committee held a meeting on Wednesday, 6 May 2009, with the following members present: Chair Heather Jones, Charlie Wray, Gail Marshall, Laura Hendricks and Brian Reilly

Also present were Scott McFarland, Rob Liebow, Sumner Rulon-Miller, Courtney Keep,
Owen Craighead and Tracey Hetzer

Heather Jones called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.

MOVED by Gail Marshall, seconded by Brian Reilly and unanimously voted to approve the minutes of 3/4/09, 3/9/09, 4/1/09 and 4/13/09 as written

Sumner Rulon-Miller told the committee that he was delighted to be a challenger for a committee seat and that the results were a tribute to the effectiveness of the incumbents. Tracey Hetzer made some comments about her concern for the perceived lack of writing assessments. She also had some inquiries regarding the tuition policy.

Principal McFarland presented his report to the committee

•       Flu Response Plan and School Closure Protocol: Principal McFarland provided an update on the pandemic situation and how the school is responding.
•       8th class trip policies/guidelines: Heather Jones updated the committee on the status of the guidelines. Next step is to hold a parent forum.
•       Options to Consider to Meet the Needs of the Future: Short discussion, agreed that this is a topic that the committee needs to keep thinking about and planning for in the future.
•       Creating a “Green” Partnership with COA: Laura Hendricks has been in the process of contacting COA – tabled until next meeting
•       Update on 4-Point Grading Scale: Principal McFarland informed the committee that the middle school is not using the 4 point scale as recommended earlier in the year, that the issue is more philosophical in nature than what a 4 point scale can provide a solution for. Work will begin in the fall with the staff around the topic of what and how we want to assess students.

•       Reorganization of School Committee – Election of Officers:
MOVED by Gail Marshall, seconded by Brian Reilly and unanimously voted to elect Heather Jones as Chair for the 2009-10 school year.
MOVED by Gail Marshall, seconded by Laura Hendricks and unanimously voted to elect Brian Reilly as Vice-Chair for the 2009-10 school year.

•       Appointment of Truant and Attendance Officers: MOVED by Gail Marshall, seconded by Brian Reilly and unanimously voted to elect Jim Willis as the Truant Officer and Scott McFarland as the Attendance Officer for the 2009-10 school year.
•       Appointment of School Physician: MOVED by Gail Marshall, seconded by Charlie Wray and unanimously voted to elect David Painter as the school physician for the 2009-10 school year.
•       Appointment of High School Voting Members for Next Meeting: MOVED by Brian Reilly seconded by Laura Hendricks and unanimously voted to appoint Gail Marshall, Charlie Wray, and Laura Hendricks as the HS voting members for May and June and Brian Reilly and Heather Jones as alternates.
•       Appointment of Board Member to MDIRSS Policy Sub-Committee – tabled.

•       Principal McFarland reminded the committee that there will be a retirement party for Louise Piquette on June 10th at the Deck House. There will also be a get-together for Sally Leighton on June 6th at MDIHS.
•       Principal McFarland discussed with the committee that there are some staff changes that will occur at the library that prompts a redefinition of the services that the library has to offer the school. Though this redefinition will result in an increase in the educational services that the school will benefit from, the school will need to provide more funding. MOVED by Gail Marshall, seconded by Brian Reilly and unanimously voted to authorize Principal McFarland to negotiate the terms and conditions of a collaborative library position up to $10,000 in additional support.

June 3, 2009 at 4:00 P.M. at Mount Desert Elementary School

Future Agenda Items
•       8th grade class trip policies and guidelines
•       Creating a “green” partnership with COA
•       Library update
•       Crisis Plan adoption
•       Appointment of Board Member to MDIRSS Policy Sub-committee
MOVED by Brian Reilly, seconded by Gail Marshall and unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting
at 6:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Scott McFarland
Mount Desert Elementary School