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Acadia Disposal District Meeting
P.O. Box 248, Northeast Harbor, Maine  04662 207-276-5743 Fax. 207-276-5742


Distributed 7-20-12

9:30 AM; Thursday; July 26, 2012; Somesville Fire Station; Route 102

1.  Call to order.

2.  Consider meeting minutes from regular meetings of June 21, 2012.

3.  Treasurer’s report.

4.  Regular Business.

A. City of Ellsworth recycling update: things are good.
        B. MMA insurance update.

        C. Status of Southwest Harbor: We have received their signed copy of the withdrawal     agreement. They are no longer members but will attend meetings as schedules allow.

D. Post 2018 PERC tipping fees: estimated by the study group to be over $100 per ton for charter communities compared to today’s $46 per ton.

        E.  Update on Town Hill site. Tony Smith to request authorization to work with legal    counsel to develop an action plan to pursue the $350,000 set aside by the federal       government for an on-island transfer station.

F. GAT trading period has ended; rumor has it there will be no penalties assessed this year due to PERC receiving enough out-of-state waste to burn to meet their electrical obligations with Bangor Hydro.

G. Review of FY-13 budget in light of Southwest Harbor’s withdrawal from ADD:

•       Reduce it?
•       If so, where and by how much?
•       Reduce and supplement with reserve funds?
H. ADD/Municipal development of a solid waste facility. Get serious about pursuit of our own solid waste facility and discussion of possible locations or deleting the concept all together.  We can save money with our own municipally-owned facility. Possible locations:

o       Bar Harbor airport
o       In Trenton behind the IGA
o       In Trenton in and around their RC center and sand-slat building
o       In one of the member towns
o       Work with Southwest Harbor  to develop a facility
o       Work with Bar Harbor on a new facility

•       Determine if Bar Harbor/SWH  is/are interested in partnering with the ADD towns in the development of a facility
•       Expand our relationship with Ellsworth to include MSW
•       If MSW can go to e.g. Southwest Harbor, Bar Harbor or Ellsworth, what do we do with CDD, bulky, other waste?

I.  Director Reports.

5.  Assignments per Director: Our own, individual review followed by discussion of same at the August meeting with subsequent review by our attorneys of the by-laws (BL) and interlocal agreements (ILA).  This needs to be completed and to address changes we have made over the years including:

•       The definition of a quorum with an even number of members (e.g. prior to SWH leaving, three of six members present was a quorum with a majority vote being three for or against (a unanimous vote of the three in attendance).
•       Odd numbered members – the generally accepted majority of the number of members e.g. we will now need 3 of the towns directors in attendance to hold a legal meeting with a 2-1 vote carrying the seconded motion.
•       Calendar year to a fiscal year
•       Others.

6.  Any other business as may be legally conducted.

7.  Input from the attending public.

8.  Next regularly scheduled meeting: 9:30 A.M., Thursday, July 19, 2012.  

9.  Executive session: None scheduled.  

10. Adjournment.