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P.O. Box 248, Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662 207-276-5743 Fax. 207-276-5742
Financial: HC 33 – Box 570, West Tremont, Maine 04612 207-244-0910
10:00 A.M., Thursday, June 15, 2006
Somesville Fire Station, Route 102
1. Call to order.
2. Consider meeting minutes from May 18, 2006.
3. Treasurer’s report.
4. Regular Business
a. Transfer station field trip summary.
b. Finalize Lee Yeaton draft language: ADD solicitation of goods and services relative to bidding.
c. MRC and GAT – formalize our recommendation to the respective members towns.
d. Report from Lee Yeaton, including OCC.
e. Office paper and EMR.
f. HHW and UW annual collection day update:
· Tentatively scheduled for Saturday, October 28, 2006 at MDIHS. The later date is due to the availability of the high school parking lot.
· Revisit pre-registration.
g. CES options report update.
h. Summary of the COA project presentation attended by Directors Spiker and Smith. Please review the memo sent to the League of Towns dated June 13, 2006 that all directors were provided with.
5. Assignments per Director.
6. Any other business as may be legally conducted.
7. Input from the attending public.
8. Next regular meeting: 10:00 A.M., Thursday, July 20, 2006, Somesville Fire Station.
9. Executive session pursuant to 1 MRSA Section 405.6.C: None scheduled.
10. Adjournment.