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Acadia Disposal District Meeting Agenda
P.O. Box 248, Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662 207-276-5743 Fax. 207-276-5742


10:00 A.M., Thursday, September 20, 2007
Somesville Fire Station, Route 102

1.  Call to order.  
2.  Consider meeting minutes from July 19, 2007.

3.  Treasurer's report.

4.  Regular Business

        a.  Update on contract negotiations with EMR.
b.  HHW and UW collection day:  Report from attendees; status of invoices.
c.  HHW and UW next year:  scheduled for September 20, 2007 at MDIHS.
"       All set with EPI and Uniwaste
"       Pending MDIHS events.
d.  Discuss changing our fiscal year to July 1 to June 30 - pros and cons..

5.  Assignments per Director.

6.  Any other business as may be legally conducted.

7.  Input from the attending public.

8.  Next regular meeting: 10:00 A.M., Thursday, October 18, 2007, Somesville Fire Station.

9.  Adjournment.