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Solid Waste and Recycling Committee Agenda

4:30 PM; Thursday; September 27, 2007; Somesville Fire Station

1.  Call to Order.

2.  Consideration of minutes of March 22, 2007 meeting.  

3.  Regular Business

A.  ADD Update (Tony Smith)

a.  Contract negotiations with EMR; involvement of CES and Eaton Peabody.
        b.  Other CES work - purchase of EMR and alternatives to EMR.
c.  Summary of the 2007 annual HHW & UW collection day.
d.  Town Hill site - sent memorandum of understanding to Bar Harbor - no response yet.
e.  Marina dumpsters and twice a week collection in the summer.  Do away with both?
f.  Newspapers and magazines:  Develop and implement a policy banning them from the waste stream as we did with cardboard?
g.  Should we have our own staffed transfer station and/or recycling center, the latter on a larger scale than we presently have.
B.  Assignments per Committee member
C.  Any other business as may be legally conducted.

D.  Input from attending public.

4.  Next meeting:  4:30 PM, Thursday, November 29, 2007.  This is one week later than usual due to Thanksgiving.  Should we meet in October?  (Our regular meeting schedule is 4:30 PM on the 4th Thursday of the month.)

5.  Adjournment.