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Postponed Warrant Committee Meeting
FEBRUARY 26, 2008

Meeting has been postponed due to inclement weather, next meeting will be March 4th at the Town Office Meeting Room

6:00 - 6:05.  Attendance, please sign-in on sheet provided on table; please check for additional materials or up-dates to this packet's hand-outs.  Please also let us know about Committee assignments - see the attachment to this Agenda/packet.
6:05 - 6:45  Presentation by MDES Principal Scott McFarland and School Officials of MDES school budget.
6:45 - adjournment.  Presentation by Town Manager Mike MacDonald of up-dates to budget and status of non-budget warrant articles.   
Note:  Our next meeting will be on March 4th and will include a presentation by the Planning Board of the "re-write" of the LUZO which will appear on the May Annual Town Meeting warrant - as well as a Lighting Standard article.  We hope to have a short summary (we will be getting copies of the 50-page LUZO as well) of the re-write to send out with the next packet.  Future meetings will take place on March 11th, and, if needed, on March 18th, the warrant will "close" on the 21st of March.  Please note any announcements as to the location of our meetings as we may end up having one more meeting at the Library.