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Board of Selectmen Meeting Agenda 03/02/09
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting
Monday, March 2, 2009
Town Office Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor

I               Call to order at 6:30 pm
II              Minutes
        A       None
III             Appointments and Communications
        A       None
IV              Consent Agenda
        A       Acknowledge receipt of Weekly Construction Summary for Somesville WWTF Upgrade for week of February 20, 2009.
        B       Acknowledge receipt of Notice of Small Claims Court Hearing.
        C       Acknowledge receipt of Electromagnetic Fields letter of concern from Southwest Harbor resident.
        D       Acknowledge receipt of Maine Municipal Employees Health Trust notice of Medical Plan Options.
        E       Acknowledge receipt of Maine Department of Transportation Commissioner Cole “Memo to Municipal Officials” on Transportation related information on federal economic recovery legislation.
        F       Acknowledge PW Director Smith notice of Pretty Marsh Road reconstruction project scheduled start date; mid-May.
        G       Notice from Maine Coalition to Save Schools Chairman Skip Greenlaw.
V               Selectmen’s Reports
VI              Old Business
        A       Budget Discussion with PW Director Smith.
        B       Review Culture/Rec/Library and All Other /Public Agency funding requests.
        C       Review Town Meeting Warrant.
        D       Review budget worksheets.
VII             New Business
        A       Review Assessor’s draft “Valuation Adjustment” letter to selected property owners.
        B       Award print bid for Town Meeting Warrant and Town Report.
        C       Review three less than $10.00 liens to decide which accounts to “write off” or pursue through the lien process.
        D       Review possible MD Water District Warrant Article on first refusal for 39 acre Water District parcel.
VIII            General Issues
        A       None
IX              Committee Reports
        A       None
X               Treasurer’s Warrants
        A       Approve Treasurer’s Warrant
XI              Executive Session
        A       None
                Adjournment.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, March 9, 2009 at MDES Forum, Joy Road, Northeast Harbor.  

* CONSENT AGENDA (These items are considered to be routine, and therefore, will not be allotted Selectmen discussion time on the agenda.  The items may be passed by the Selectmen in one blanket motion.  Any Board member may remove an item from the “Consent” portion of the agenda for discussion or questions by requesting such action prior to consideration of that portion of the agenda.)