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Acadia Disposal District Meeting 03/26/09
P.O. Box 248, Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662 207-276-5743 Fax. 207-276-5742


9:30 AM; Thursday, March 26, 2009
Somesville Fire Station, Route 102

1.  Call to order.  

2.  Consider meeting minutes from regular meeting held February 19, 2009.

3.  Treasurer’s report.

4.  Regular Business

        a. Schools trash fair update.
b. Date for next years HHW and UW event.  Consider dropping the UW portion since the new EMR contracts contain 12 monthly collection days.

5.  Assignments per Director.

6.  Any other business as may be legally conducted.

7.  Input from the attending public.

8.  Next reg. meeting: 9:30 A.M., Thursday, April 16, 2009; Somesville Fire Station.

9.  Executive session pursuant to 1 MRSA Section 405.6.C:  Discussion of EMR draft contract.

10. Adjournment.