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Board of Selectmen Meeting 04/06/09
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting
April 6, 2009
Location: Town Office Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor

I               Call to order at 6:30 pm
II              Minutes
        A       Approve minutes of March 2; March 9; and March 16.
III             Appointments and Communications
        A       Approve appointment of Schofield Andrews III to Investment Committee.
IV              Consent Agenda
        A       Approve Class XI Liquor License (Malt, Spirituous and Vinous) for Theodore Stanley, d/b/a Abel's Lobster Pound, 13 Abel's Lane, Mount Desert.
        B       Acknowledge invitation to celebrate the collaborative “Campfire Coalition” effort.  April 8, 2009, 3:00 PM, Harbor House, Southwest Harbor.
        C       Acknowledge receipt of Olver Associates Weekly Construction Summary for week of March 13, 2009, March 20, 2009, and March 27, 2009.
        D       Acknowledge receipt of monthly department reports; Code Enforcement, Public Works, and Police.
        E       Acknowledge receipt of MDEP Spring 2009 Shoreland Zoning Newsletter.
        F       Acknowledge receipt of Finance Director Graves’s monthly report and summary of collection activities.
        G       Acknowledge receipt of Ellen Brawley resignation from Warrant Committee.
        H       Acknowledge receipt of Maine Department of Education amended copy of “Certificate of Organization” for Alternative Organizational Structure #19.
        I       Acknowledge receipt of monthly financials; General Ledger, Revenue Report and Expense Report.
        J       Approve appointment of Kerry Taylor as Northeast Harbor Marina Mooring Agent for 2009.
V               Selectmen’s Reports
VI              Old Business
        A       Review of tax exemption status for Masonic Lodge #140.
        B       Sign Approved Town Meeting Warrant.
VII             New Business
        A       Review dumpster placement policy for Seal Harbor (Bonville).
        B       Authorize Town Manager to sign “Temporary Pole Attachment License” agreement with Bangor Hydro Electric Company.  (American flag)

        C       Authorize payment of $12, 700.00 to Civil Engineering Services for property survey of proposed Marina improvement on Town owned property in Northeast Harbor.  Payment from Marina Reserve account #20-2412082 in an amount not to exceed $12,700.00.  (Balance as of 3-13-09 = $208,228.06)
        D       Authorize Harbor Master Murphy to sign Pump Out Grant Award contract.
        E       Authorize Town Manager to apply for Maine State Planning Office “Shore and Harbor Technical Assistance Grant.”
        F       Authorize Code Enforcement Officer Keene to sign Consent Decree with 18 Manchester Road LLC.
        G       Authorize Code Enforcement Officer Keene to sign agreement with Planning Board consultant Rich Rothe to assist with Shoreland Zoning Ordinance update and compliance, amount not to exceed $8,000.00.
        H       Approve Quit Claim Deeds for foreclosed properties that have repaid all back taxes, Colson and Thomas.
        I       Approve Dobbs Productions Inc. request to use public access channel 2 to broadcast “The Acadia Channel.”
        J       Discussion with Police Chief Willis to decide if an application for a COPS Grant is appropriate for the Town.
        K       Sign Municipal Warrant for Prosecuting Unlicensed Dog Owners/Keepers.
        L       Sign School Budget Validation Referendum Warrant.
        M       Sign Warrant and Notice of Election Calling Mount Desert Island Regional School District Budget Validation Referendum.

VIII            General Issues
        A       Reschedule Monday April 20, 2009 (Patriot’s Day holiday) meeting to Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at Town Office Meeting Room.
IX              Committee Reports
X               Treasurer’s Warrants
        A       Approve Treasurer’s Warrant # 73 for $426,123.55, #76 for $633,005.97.
XI              Executive Session
        A       Town Manager evaluation, pursuant to M.S.R.A Title. 1, 405.6.A.
                Adjournment.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday April 21, 2009 at 6:30 P.M. in Town Office Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor.

* CONSENT AGENDA (These items are considered to be routine, and therefore, will not be allotted Selectmen discussion time on the agenda.  The items may be passed by the Selectmen in one blanket motion.  Any Board member may remove an item from the “Consent” portion of the agenda for discussion or questions by requesting such action prior to consideration of that portion of the agenda.)