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Special Town Meeting 11/16/09

State of Maine
Hancock County, ss                                                                      2009

To:     James K. Willis, Jr., a Constable in the Town of Mount Desert

In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the Town of Mount Desert, qualified by law to vote in Town affairs, to assemble in the Kelley Auditorium, Mount Desert Elementary School,
8 Joy Road, Northeast Harbor, Maine in said Town, on Monday, the sixteenth day of November AD 2009 at five-fifty o’clock in the evening, then and there to act on Article 1; and immediately thereafter to act on Articles numbered 2 through 6; all of said Articles being set out below to wit:

Article 1.      To elect a Moderator by written ballot.

Article 2.      To see if non-voters shall be allowed, when recognized, to speak during the 2009 Special Town Meeting.

                Board of Selectmen recommends passage
                Warrant Committee recommends passage

Article 3.      Shall an amendment to the Town of Mount Desert Land Use Zoning Ordinance to incorporate the State of Maine mandated Shoreland Zoning Ordinance amendments be enacted?  Copies of text of the ordinance are available from the Town Clerk.

                Planning Board recommends passage
                Warrant Committee recommends passage

Article 4.      Shall an amendment to the Town of Mount Desert Land Use Zoning Ordinance to incorporate the new Wireless Communication Facilities Ordinance be enacted?  Copies of text of the ordinance are available from the Town Clerk.

                Planning Board recommends passage
                Warrant Committee recommends passage

Article 5.      Shall an amendment to the Town of Mount Desert Land Use Map to incorporate the State of Maine Mandated Shoreland Zoning Ordinance Amendments be enacted?  Copies of the map are available from the Town Clerk.

                Planning Board recommends passage
                Warrant Committee recommends passage

Article 6.      To see if the Inhabitants of the Town of Mount Desert will vote to waive their right of first refusal pursuant to Title 35-A M.R.S. § 6109(5) and the rules promulgated thereunder, being 65-407 Public Utilities Commission, Chapter 691 Sale of Water Resource Land, to purchase the following described real property subject to the terms and conditions of that certain letter of intent by and between Maine Coast Heritage Trust (the “MCHT”) and Mount Desert Water District (the “District”) of near even date, and the easements, reservations, terms and conditions set forth therein, for the sum of three million dollars ($3,000,000.00 USD), pursuant to the letter of intent available from the Town Clerk.

                Board of Selectmen recommends passage
                Warrant Committee recommends passage

The Registrar of Voters will hold office hours while the polls are open to correct any error in or change a name or address on the voting list, to accept the registration of any person eligible to vote and to accept new enrollments.

A person who is not registered as a voter may not vote in any election.
Given under our hands at Mount Desert this _____day of _____________ 2009, a majority of the Selectmen of the Town of Mount Desert:

Jean E. Bonville

Charles E. Bucklin

Marilyn Damon

James F. Mooers

Thomas Richardson, Chairman

A true copy of the Warrant, attest:

Joelle D. Nolan, Town Clerk
Town of Mount Desert