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Public Safety Committee Agenda

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Municipal Building Meeting Room

I.      Call to Order

II.     Roll Call/Attendance of Members – Welcome new member Sumner Rulon-Miller

III.    Discussion/Approval of Minutes – from meetings held on 10-14-09 and 10-28-09

IV.     Election of Chair and New Slate of Officers

V.      Unfinished Business

A.      Discuss presenting current PPC recommendations to the BOS

VI.     New Business

A.  Fire Chief’s presentation of a system which will track acceptable staffing levels, response times and evaluate staff recruitment and retention efforts.

VII.    Public Comments

VIII.   Adjournment

IX.     Next Meeting – December 08, 2009 at the Municipal Building Meeting Room starting at 10:00 am.