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Board of Selectmen Agenda 01/04/10
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Last Updated: 2009/12/31
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting
Monday, January 4, 2010
Location: Town Office Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor

6:35PM  Public Hearing  Dana Haynes DBA Haynes Garage Inc. License Renewal for Automobile Graveyard Permit.

I               Call to order at 6:30 pm
II              Minutes
        A       None
III             Appointments
IV              Consent Agenda and Communications
        A       Acknowledge receipt of letter of appreciation from Hospice of Hancock County.
        B       Acknowledge receipt or letter of appreciation from Downeast Horizons.
        C       Acknowledge receipt of notification of aquaculture lease to Joseph Porada.
        D       Approve Automobile Graveyard Permit for Haynes Garage Inc.
        E       Acknowledge receipt of MMA estimate of impact of “natural” and “Proposed” Revenue Sharing Funding Cuts.
V               Selectmen’s Reports
VI              Old Business
        A       Approve NEH Marina 2009-2010 budget.
VII             New Business
        A       Approve Stray Animal contract with Small Animal Clinic, Ellsworth.
        B       Approve publication and advertising for “Sealed Bid Proposals for Commercial Dock Passenger Vessel Operators/Vessels” at Northeast Harbor Marina.
VIII            General Issues
        A       Review and discussion of impact of exclusion and deductible increase for Highway Garage.
        B       Review engineering report on condition of Highway Garage.
        C       Authorize Town Manager to sign Maine Municipal Association Property & Casualty Pool Endorsement.  (Increases roof collapse deductible from $2,500.00 to $25,000.00) and statement of values.
        D       Review of volunteer firefighter eligibility and training requirements (Damon).
        E       Review and discussion of 2010-2011 Public Works and General Government sections of 2010-2011 municipal budget.
IX              Committee Reports
IX              Treasurer’s Warrants
        A       Approve Treasurer’s Warrant #44 for $179,492.48.
X               Executive Session
        A       None
                Adjournment.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Office Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor.