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Acadia Disposal District Meeting

9:30 AM; Thursday; April 29, 2010
Somesville Fire Station, Route 102
1.  Call to order.  

2.  Consider meeting minutes from regular meeting of March 18, 2010.

3.  Treasurer’s report: monthly report and draft FY-11 budget presentation.

4.  Regular Business

        a. Solid waste volume tracking spreadsheet discussion.
        b. City of Ellsworth recycling.
        c. Status of search for an ADD clerk.
        d. EMR-Member Town signed contracts status.
        e. Student grant guidelines: budget a maximum amount of money per year for x-   number of grants; must live in an ADD member town; can receive one grant every  other year or every third year, etc.
        f. HHW&UW: MDIHS on Saturday, October 23, 2010; 9:00 to 1:00 for the    annual HHW&UW waste collection day; volunteers needed; the school will let us   know ASAP if we have the front or the back parking lot.
        g. Discussion of GAT and the trading deadline.

5.  Assignments per Director.

•       Annual summary for Town reports
•       ADD annual report
•       Meeting Minutes
•       MMA annual insurance application
•       Advertising HHW&UW collection day
•       Receive and forward EMR Town invoices to data recorder (Tom Sproule)
•       Budget preparation and collection of all necessary information for same
•       PERC and ecomaine site visits

6.  Any other business as may be legally conducted.

7.  Input from the attending public.

8.  Next regularly scheduled meeting: May 20, 2010.

9.  Executive session: None scheduled.  

10. Adjournment.