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Acadia Disposal District Minutes 02/18/10
Meeting of the Board of Directors
February 18, 2010 at the Somesville Fire House

PRESENT:  Robin Bennett (SWH), Ellen Brawley (clerk), Peter Rees (Trenton) Tony Smith (Mount Desert), Elliott Spiker (Tremont)

ABSENT (excused):   Cynthia Lief (Cranberry), Robert Roxby (Frenchboro)

VISITORS:   Damaris Smith and Rain Worcester (EMR), Becky Carroll

Call to order:  Tony called the meeting to order at 9:32.

MOTION:  (Smith, Spiker) to approve the minutes of January 21, 2010.  Carried 4-0.

Treasurer’s Report:  Elliott paid $200 to Erika Shriner for the swap shop project.  Invoices and refunds for the HHW/UW collection have not yet gone out.  We received an invoice of $3202.05 from CES.

MOTION:  (Smith, Spiker) to approve payment of the bill to CES for $3202.05.  Carried 4-0.

It was noted that the new EMR contract includes monthly U/W collections.

MOTION: (Smith, Rees) to authorize the treasurer to bill or reimburse the towns for the HHW/UW collection, based on the spreadsheet dated 2/27/09 (which should be amended to 2/17/10) plus or minus 5%.  Carried 4-0.

MOTION:  (Smith, Rees) to accept the Treasurer’s report.  Carried 4-0.


        CES discussions:  CES had been holding discussions with Ellsworth about handling our recyclables.  Peter Rees indicated that it would be important to ask if they would be able to handle all plastics of types 1-7 as EMR now does.
MOTION: (Spiker, Bennett) that we authorize CES to further investigate recycling and solid waste handling options.  Carried 4-0.

        2010 HHW/UW Collection Update:  Tony has not yet contacted the MDI High School about the date as they haven’t yet firmed up their collection schedules.  It was agreed that if the High School is not available, we could again hold the collection in Tremont.  Late September or early October would seem to be good times.  Saturday of Columbus Day weekend would be October 9th.

        Elliott:  invoices and credits from HHW/UW collections.
        Tony:  contact CES about further recycling and solid waste options.

        Centralized information:  There was discussion of getting information for waste handling costs for all the towns onto a central spreadsheet.  The new contract calls for copies of the EMR invoices to be sent to ADD.  Peter Rees and Tom Sproule of Trenton will put the information into a spreadsheet.

        Clerk resignation:  Ellen Brawley has asked to be relieved of her duties as Clerk.

MOTION: (Smith, Spiker) to accept Ellen Brawley’s verbal resignation with regret and gratitude.  Carried 4-0.

NEXT MEETING:  March 18, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. at Somesville Firehouse.

MOTION:  (Smith, Spiker) to adjourn at 10:06.  Carried 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen T. Brawley