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Acadia Disposal District Minutes 04/16/09
Meeting of the Board of Directors
April 16, 2009 at the Somesville Fire House

PRESENT:  Robin Bennett (SWH), Ellen Brawley (clerk),  Cynthia Lief (Cranberry), Peter Rees (Trenton),   Tony Smith (Mount Desert), Elliott Spiker (Tremont)

ABSENT:  Robert Roxby (Frenchboro)

VISITORS:   Lee Worcester (EMR), Sydney Roberts Rockefeller, Phil Lichtenstein and Marilyn Damon (Mount Desert), Laurie Schreiber (Bar Harbor Times), speaker Alison McCrady (ecomaine).

Call to order:  9:30.

MOTION:  (Smith, Bennett) to approve the minutes of March 26, 2009.  Carried 5-0.

Treasurer’s Report:  Elliott reported a slow month.  He anticipates a substantial sum to carry forward at the end of the fiscal year.   He paid a CES invoice for $742.50.

MOTION:  (Smith, Bennett) to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried (5-0).

Trash Fair Update:  The trash fair will be held on April 17th (as close to Earth Day as could be arranged).  Five elementary schools are involved (four on MDI and one in Trenton).  The only expense has been to purchase 700 shopping bags to give to participating children.  Some of the exhibits will move to COA for earth day.  Peter has prepared a press release.

MOTION:  (Smith, Rees) to authorize reimbursing Peter Rees for expenses incurred: $372.54 and $582.16, in anticipation of receiving $250 from EMR and $250 from Bar Harbor.  
Carried 5-0.

ecomaine:  Alison McCray gave an interesting and informative presentation about single-sort recycling, currently taking place in Scarborough.  It seems that this is the way of the future, though transportation costs make it appear economically unfeasible for towns as far from the ecomaine facility as MDI.

Assignments per director:
        Tony, Elliott and Robin: EMR negotiations.

NEXT MEETING:  Thursday, May 21st, 2009 at 9:30 am, Somesville Fire House.

MOTION: (Bennett, Spiker) to go into executive session.  Carried 5-0.

Executive session: 10:45 to 11:50.

MOTION: (Smith, Spiker) to exit executive session.  Carried 4-0.


Respectfully submitted, 

Ellen T. Brawley