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Acadia Disposal District Minutes 02/28/08
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
February 28, 2008 at the Somesville Firehouse

PRESENT:  Ellen Brawley (clerk), Larry Howard (SWH), Tony Smith (Mount Desert), Elliott Spiker (Tremont)

VISITORS:   Lee Worcester (EMR), Beth Gott (Gott’s Disposal)

CALL TO ORDER:  6:08 pm.

MOTION:  (Smith, Spiker) to accept the minutes of the meeting of 1/17/2008 as distributed.  Carried 3-0.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Elliott has invoiced Mount Desert for their 18-month share of our budget.  They will pay the amount that they have budgeted for ADD in their current 6-month budget.
        The Auditor has recommended that we start using a chart of accounts.  Elliott will look into using Quicken for keeping the ADD books.

MOTION:  (Smith, Howard) to accept the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried 3-0.

EMR Contract Negotiations:  Scheduling conflicts have delayed progress, but the parties will get together again next week.

HHW and Universal Waste Collection:  Hancock County Planning Commission has funds to help again this year, and have volunteered to cooperate.  Tony will contact them.  We already have commitments from Uniwaste and EPI for September 20th, we are waiting on approval from the High School for use of the parking lot.

Frenchboro’s Admission to ADD:  They will have to pay their share of the startup costs.  Beth Gott said she could provide 2007 tonnages of MSW, so the share can be calculated.  There was some discussion of the disadvantages of having a member from an outer island.  We will look at the by-laws and Interlocal Agreement to see if the requirements for a quorum can be changed.  Elliott will be in email contact with the people on Frenchboro.

Review of meeting days and times:  It was agreed that  10:00 am on the third Thursday of the month is as good a time as any.

        Elliott:  Quicken
        Elliott and Tony:  Frenchboro
        Elliott and Tony: EMR negotiations
        All:  quorum in by-laws and IL agreement
        All:  ensure that annual reappointment by selectmen takes place if required.

NEXT MEETING:  10:00 am Thursday, March 20 at Somesville Fire House.


Respectfully submitted,

Ellen T. Brawley, Clerk.