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Acadia Disposal District Minutes 01/17/08
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors
January 17, 2008 at the Somesville Firehouse

PRESENT:  Ellen Brawley (clerk), Larry Howard (SWH), Cynthia Lief (Cranberry Isles), Tony Smith (Mount Desert), Elliott Spiker (Tremont)

VISITORS:   Lee Worcester and Damaris Smith (EMR

CALL TO ORDER:  10:00am.

MOTION: (Smith, Howard) To approve the minutes of the meeting of  December 13, 2007.  Carried 3-0.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Treasurer Spiker.  The balance at the end of the year was $9558.02, and there is an outstanding receivable from Southwest Harbor of $768.  There are two outstanding payables, from CES and Eaton Peabody, both reflecting work on contract negotiations.

MOTION: (Smith, Lief) To authorize the Treasurer to pay $6149 to CES, and $1163 to Eaton Peabody.  Carried 4-0.

MOTION:  (Smith, Howard) To accept the Treasurer’s Report.   Carried 4-0.


Fiscal Year Change and Budget:  It appears that the best way to get on the same schedule as all the towns is to adopt an 18 month budget at this time, and then work from July to June starting in 2009.  Tony and Elliott will determine what changes we need to make in the By-Laws or the Interlocal Agreement in order to do this.  We need to re-approve the Interlocal Agreement every five years in any case, so most of the towns will have to address this at town meeting this year.  Elliott presented a draft 18 month budget, with no drastic changes from our current expenditures.  Tony presented a draft memo outlining the timeline for preparations for the 2008 annual meeting.  Included are a public hearing on February 6, 2008 at 6 pm at the Somesville Fire Station and the Annual Meeting on February 21, 2008 at 6 pm.

MOTION:  (Smith, Howard) To accept the draft 18 month budget.  Carried 4-0.

MOTION:  (Smith, Howard) To accept the timeline as outlined in the draft memo.  Carried 4-0.

Frenchboro:  The town of Frenchboro has expressed interest in joining the ADD.  Elliott is in touch with them.  They will require the approval of their legislative body and will have to pay their share of the startup costs.

MOTION:  (Smith, Spiker) To wholeheartedly invite and accept Frenchboro as a member of the ADD providing that they comply with or conform to the rules set forth in the Interlocal Agreement and the By-Laws.  Carried 4-0.
July Meeting at Islesford:  The group decided to hold the July meeting on Little Cranberry to review the island’s solid waste disposal program.

Assignments Per Director:
        Elliott:  prepare budget.  Check out details of switchover with bylaws and
        Tony:  respond to Frenchboro’s expression of interest in joining ADD.
        Elliott:  Determine figures for Frenchboro.

Other Business:  Elliott said that today’s Islander had an article stating that Trenton has cancelled the curbside recycling program.  Members are reminded that cardboard is still banned from ADD MSW.

The negotiations on the EMR contract continue.  We are waiting for rates/ton figures.

Next Meetings:  
Public hearing:  Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 6 pm, Somesville Fire Station.
Annual Meeting: Thursday February 21, 2008, 6 pm, Somesville Fire Station.  .
                Regular Meeting:  immediately following annual meeting.


Respectfully submitted,

Ellen T. Brawley, clerk