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Acadia Disposal District Minutes 05/15/08
To:                     Board of Directors and Clerk Brawley
From:   Tony Smith, Chairman
Re:      Minutes of May 15, 2008 Meeting
Date:           August 18, 2008

1.  Call to order.  10:04
•       10:04

2.  Consider meeting minutes from annual and regular meetings held February 28, 2008.
•       Approved 5 – 0 (TS-CL)

3.  Treasurer’s report.
•       Approved 5 – 0 (TS-LH) to pay the recent CES invoice
•       Director Spiker stated that the Town of Mount Desert has paid their fees to ADD.  The other towns should be able to start paying their’s in July.
•       Approved 5 – 0 (TS-CL) to accept Treasurer Spiker’s report.

4.  Regular Business

        a. Status of contacting Frenchboro with a formal invitation to join the ADD.
•       Directors Spiker and Smith are to follow through with the formal initiation to Frenchboro and provide them with copies of the Interlocal Agreement and the By-laws.  Discussion followed as to whether or not we could meet via teleconference if a director could not attend a meeting in person.  We are to check with Eaton Peabody to see if those directors participating by teleconference count towards a quorum, can vote, etc.

b. HHW and & UW collection day:   MDIHS, Saturday, October 11, 2008, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM.  Volunteers needed and appreciated.
•       Acknowledgement of the date and location.

c. Consideration of starting our monthly meetings at 9:00 A.M. instead of the current 10:00 A.M.  Other suggestions are welcome.
•       It was approved 5 – 0 (TS-LH) to start our meetings at 9:30 A.M. instead of 10:00 A.M.

5.  Assignments per Director.
•       Directors Spiker and Smith address Frenchboro.

6.  Any other business as may be legally conducted.
•       Director Kates lead a discursion on banning newspapers and magazines
                from the waste stream similar to OCC.   It was generally agreed to have the                     respective towns take it upon themselves to get input from their residents                                      about this. No action taken.

7.  Input from the attending public.

8.  Next regular meeting: 10:00 A.M., Thursday, June 19, 2008; Somesville Fire Station.
•       We now meet at 9:30 A.M., not 10:00 A.M.

9.  Executive session pursuant to 1 MRSA Section 405.6.C:  Update on EMR contract negotiations.
•       In at 10:55; 5 – 0  (TS-BK)
•         Out at 11:35, 5 – 0  (TS-LH)

10. Adjournment.
•       11:36; 5 – 0 (TS-BK)