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Acadia Disposal District Minutes 07/19/07
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors
June 27, 2007 at the Somesville Fire Station

PRESENT:  Ellen Brawley (clerk), Larry Howard (SWH), Bob Kates (Trenton), Cynthia Lief (Cranberry Isles), Tony Smith (Mount Desert), Elliott Spiker (Tremont

VISITORS:   Lee Worcester, Damaris Smith (EMR), Beth Gott, Laurie Schrieber (BHT), Becky Buyers-Basso (MD Islander)

CALL TO ORDER:  10:00am.

MOTION: (Smith, Howard) To approve the minutes of the meeting of  June 27, 2007.  Carried 5-0.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Bills have been sent to those towns operating on a July 1 Fiscal Year.  Payments expected soon from Trenton, Tremont and Southwest Harbor.  All towns have been pre-billed for the HHW/UW collection.  Payments still owed from Bar Harbor and Southwest Harbor.  Elliott prepared flyers and pre-registration forms for the HHW/UW collection and emailed them to the towns.

MOTION: (Smith, Howard) To authorize the Treasurer to pay an invoice from Eaton Peabody in the amount of $3056.  Carried 5-0.


HHW/UW Collection:  The collection for this year has been scheduled for August 18th, 2007 from 9 to 1.  Helpers are requested to arrive at 8:30 to help set up.

Update on contract negotiations:  Contract negotiations with EMR continue.  The ball rests again in our court.  Meanwhile we have negotiated a contract extension on the same terms as the expired contract.  We’re waiting for input from Shawn Small for his input, after which we may be ready for face to face negotiations with EMR.

After the negotiating team reaches an agreement with EMR, the proposed contract will be reviewed by ADD in executive session.  If it is approved by ADD, it will then go to the towns for approval.

Summary of Town Hill Site:  We are now working on a Memo of Understanding (MOU) with Bar Harbor, with the goal of freeing the land for Bar Harbor’s use, and perhaps getting ADD or the ADD towns some funds toward waste disposal costs.  We hope that our state delegation may file a bill on our behalf in the next session of congress.  A draft MOU has been prepared, but we have not yet met with Bar Harbor.
Assignments per Director:

Tony:   Coordinate HHW/UW collection.  Invite HCPC and Ellsworth to observe.

All:    Each director is responsible to provide 2 people for the HHW/UW collection.  (Self + 1, or 2 others)  8/18, 8:30 – 1:00.

Next Meeting:  Thursday, August 23rd, 2007 at 10:00 am, Somesville Fire House.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: Smith, Howard.  Carried 5-0,  10:32.

Respectfully submitted, Ellen T. Brawley, Clerk