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Acadia Disposal District Minutes 06/27/07
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors
June 27, 2007 at the Somesville Fire Station

PRESENT:  Ellen Brawley (clerk), Larry Howard (SWH), Bob Kates (Trenton), Tony Smith (Mount Desert), Elliott Spiker (Tremont
ABSENT:   Cynthia Lief  (Cranberry)
VISITORS:   Lee Worcester, Damaris Smith (EMR)

CALL TO ORDER:  10:02 am.

MOTION: (Smith, Spiker) To approve the minutes of the meeting of  April 19, 2007.  Carried 4-0.

Elliott presented the treasurer’s report.  He has refunded the excess from last year’s HHW collection to the towns.  For this year’s collection, he has prebilled each town in accordance with their expense of last year.  We have had pretty heavy expenses from CES and Eaton Peabody.

MOTION: (Smith, Howard) To authorize the Treasurer to pay an invoice from Eaton Peabody in the amount of $3036.51.  Carried 4-0.

MOTION: (Smith, Howard) To accept the Treasurer’s Report with thanks.  Carried 4-0.


Update on contract negotiations:  Contract negotiations with EMR continue.  The ball rests once more in our court.  Meanwhile we have negotiated a contract extension on the same terms as the expired contract.

HHW/UW Collection:  The collection for this year has been scheduled for August 18th, 2007

MOTION: (Spiker, Howard) To authorize Chairman Smith to sign a contract with EPI.  Carried 4-0.

We have rejected a request from Ellsworth and 17 surrounding towns to participate in our collection.  We rejected the request, as we believe it would be logistically infeasible.

Discussion of pre-registration resulted in the decision to provide forms at each town office, but that the towns not be asked to record the names of  those requesting the forms.

MOTION: (Smith, Howard) That Elliott prepare pre-registration forms for each town, and that these forms and the informational flyer should be available at each town office.  Carried 4-0.
Summary of Town Hill Site:  The Town Hill site was deeded to the town of Bar Harbor on condition that it be used for an island-wide transfer station.  If this transfer station was developed, the US government was to contribute up to $350,000 toward the cost of developing the facility.  It is pretty well agreed that the Town Hill site is no longer suitable for a transfer station.  Bar Harbor would like to use the site for affordable housing.  Our attorneys have spent time and money going over the ANP boundary act, and have talked with our state delegation.  They agreed that it is too late to include anything about the Town Hill site in this year’s bill.  We are now working with Bar Harbor to get a Memo of Understanding, with the goal of freeing the land for Bar Harbor’s use, and perhaps getting ADD or the ADD towns some funds toward waste disposal costs.  We hope that our state delegation may file a bill on our behalf in the next session of congress.

GAT:  All the ADD towns are currently comfortably meeting their Guaranteed Annual Tonnage at PERC.  

MOTION:  (Smith, Kates) That ADD recommend to the towns that they leave their GAT where it is.

CES Environmental Assessment of EMR:  CES has completed a phase 1 environmental assessment of the EMR facility.  Because EMR has not yet received a copy of this assessment, there was no discussion.

Assignments per Director:
All:    Each director is responsible to provide 2 people for the HHW/UW collection.  (Self + 1, or 2 others)
Smith:          Emails to towns re GAT
                        Press Release on HHW/UW collection
        Spiker: Produce pre-registration form and flyer for HHW/UW collection

Next Meeting:  Thursday, July 19th, 2007 at 10:00 am, Somesville Fire House.


Respectfully submitted, Ellen T. Brawley, Clerk