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Acadia Disposal District Minutes 04/19/07
To:     Directors
From:   Tony Smith, Chairman
Re:     Minutes of April 19, 2007 Meeting       
Date:   May 15, 2007

Attendance: Directors Smith, Spiker, Howard and Lief (at 10:12).  Public:  Lee Worcester, Damaris Smith and Beth Gott.

1.  The meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M.
2.  The meeting minutes from January 18, 2007 and February 15, 2007 were accepted 3 – 0 (ES – LH).

3.  The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented by Director Spiker 3 – 0 (TS – LH).

4a. The draft contract provided to us by EMR has been reviewed by Director’s Spiker and Smith in conjunction with our attorney’s and engineers and has been returned to EMR for their review.

4b.  CES was assigned the tasks of:

•       Reviewing the potential purchase of EMR by the ADD.  They have discussed this with EMR and should have the Level 1 environmental assessment completed by now.  We have not had a report from them yet.
•       Meeting with and discussing our interest in working with Pine Tree waste as an alternative to EMR if we are unable to come to terms with EMR on a new contract.  CES has met with them and Pine Tree is interested.  Discussions continue with them.

4c. We are waiting for data from HCPC to assist us in our review of inviting other towns to our HHW and UW collection day.

4d.  A Bar Harbor resident made a request of the town council to move the Strawberry Hill solid waste facility to somewhere else in town.  The request was denied.  It was moved and seconded 4 – 0 (ES – LH) for Director Smith to send a letter to the Bar Harbor town manager requesting a meeting with him to discuss the possibility of their working with or re-joining the ADD.  Director Spiker’s letter to the editor about this issue and Bar Harbor not being a member of the ADD, sent by him and not on behalf of the ADD, was also discussed.
4-Non agenda Item:  The GAT trading deadline is July 2nd.  It was generally agreed to leave the GAT at its current level.

5. Assignment:  Director Smith will continue setting up the HHW and UW collection day for September 2007.

Assignment:  Each director is to give thought to changing or maintaining the status quo with the current GAT figure.

6. May 12, 2007 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM is the next universal waste collection day at EMR.

7. The public generally participated throughout the meeting.

8. The next meeting is 10:00 A.M., May 17, 2007 at the Somesville fire station.

9. The meeting was adjourned at 10:33 by a 4 – 0 vote (TS – LH).