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Acadia Disposal District Minutes 12/13/07
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors
Dec 13, 2007, at Mount Desert Town Office

PRESENT:  Ellen Brawley (clerk), Larry Howard (SWH),  Tony Smith (Mount Desert), Elliott Spiker (Tremont

VISITORS:   Lee Worcester (EMR), Jen Boothroyd (HCPC)

CALL TO ORDER:  10:00am.

MOTION: (Smith, Spiker) To approve the minutes of the meeting of  September 20, 2007.  Carried 3-0.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Treasurer Spiker.  There was some discussion of changing our fiscal year to coincide with all the member towns, now on a July – June year.

MOTION: (Smith, Spiker) To authorize the Treasurer to carry forward the balance from the 2007 budget to the 2008 budget.  Carried 3-0.

MOTION:  (Smith, Spiker) To accept the Treasurer’s Report.   Carried 3-0.


HHW/UW Collection:  The collection for next year has been scheduled for September 20, 2008 at MDIHS, pending scheduling problems with MDIHS events.

Director Kates has moved to Bangor for the winter.  Tony will ask whether Trenton wishes to appoint somebody to sit in for him.

MOU with Bar Harbor:  The memo of understanding with Bar Harbor about the Crooked Road site has been drafted.  The issue won’t be addressed until congress is done with the current park boundary legislation.

Assignments Per Director:
        Tony and Elliott:  prepare budget.  Check out details of switchover with bylaws and
        Tony:  respond to Frenchboro’s expression of interest in joining ADD.
        Tony:  inquire about stand-in for Bob Kates.

Input from the Public:  Jen Boothroyd introduced herself.   She’s doing the solid waste work at HCPC, and will do most of what Sherry Churchill used to do.  She said there is some technical assistance grant money available.

Next Meeting:  January 17th, 2008, 10 am, Somesville Fire Station.

MOTION:   (Smith, Spiker) to go into executive session at 10:30 pursuant to 1 MSRA Section 405.6.C: Update on contract negotiations with EMR, Inc.  Carried 3-0.

MOTION:  (Smith, Spiker) to leave executive session at 10:45.  Carried 3-0.


Respectfully submitted,

Ellen T. Brawley, clerk