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Shellfish Committee Meeting Minutes - 04/15/15
Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2015

  • Call to order 4:30 p.m.
Chairman Victor Doyle called the meeting order; also present were Committee Members Steve Boucher, Earl Moore, Barry Thomas, and John Stanley (arrived at 5:00 p.m.); Commercial License holder David Dunton; and Town Clerk Joelle Nolan.

II.     Proposed Changes to Shellfish Conservation Ordinance
At the request of Area Biologist Heidi Leighton, Committee Members reviewed, thoroughly discussed, and voted on the following questions she submitted regarding the proposed Ordinance change to add hard shell clams to the definition of shellfish in the Ordinance:

(1) Describe the extent of the resource for each species. Where exactly in the town are they located and give an estimate of the size of the resource.
Chairman Doyle described what he has found (particularly as a commercial digger) and Barry Thomas related his observations in the past.

MOTION:  Victor Doyle moved, seconded by Steve Boucher, that the Species are located on 8-12 miles of the western shore of Mount Desert Island with the Town of Mount Desert, specifically Pretty Marsh, including Bartletts Island.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

(2) Are you looking to control commercial or recreational take?
Discussion included the fact that the Town Ordinance regulates what recreational diggers can take.

MOTION:  Steve Boucher moved, seconded by Barry Thomas, to state that the intent is to control commercial taking of hard shell clams.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

(3) Are you currently having problems with people harvesting these species commercially in Mount Desert? Has it been a problem historically? Describe the problems.
Committee members related several instances of out-of-town commercial diggers (and “wormers”) seen digging in the area described in question 1, and agreed that the problem is longstanding.  Although it is unknown just how many, it is an issue, including poaching.

MOTION:  Steve Boucher moved, seconded by Victor Doyle, to state that there are definite problems with people harvesting these species commercially in Mount Desert.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

(4) What are the numbers of people harvesting these resources?
Although no one had an exact count, several diggers have been observed.  It was noted the resource is blooming which will only bring in more diggers.  Chairman Doyle suggested landing tags might provide “numbers”.  Members agreed the resource is growing and needs protection.

MOTION:  Steve Boucher moved, seconded by Barry Thomas, that the hard shell clam resource is growing and needs protection.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

Chairman Doyle asked Town Clerk Nolan to forward the votes to Area Biologist Heidi Leighton and to let her know that he would be happy to give her a tour of the area so she can see firsthand the resource.

III.    Annual Shellfish Management Review, application
Chairman Doyle and Town Clerk Nolan completed the application after the meeting.

III.    Such Other Business as May be Legally Conducted
A.      Committee Membership
        Town Clerk Nolan noted that committee membership now stands at seven, and asked if the Committee wanted to offer membership to commercial diggers.  Chairman Doyle suggested waiting until the new license year begins and after all commercial licenses are issued.
B.      Annual Shellfish License Allocation Plan for 2015
        Town Clerk Nolan noted that although the Committee previously approved by vote the proposed changes to the 2015 Plan, now that Area Biologist Heidi Leighton as endorsed the Plan, a vote to approve the entire Plan would be appropriate.

MOTION:  Barry Thomas moved, seconded by Steve Boucher, to approve the Annual Shellfish License Allocation Plan for 2015 as presented on February 5, 2015.  The vote was in favor, 5-0.

IV.     Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.