Meeting Minutes June 17, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m. by Chairman Tom Falt. Also present were Committee Members Steve Boucher, John Stanley, and Barry Thomas; and Commercial License holder David Dunton.
II. Conservation Time for Commercial Shellfish License Holders, discussion
Discussion included the fact that opportunities for license holders to earn conservation time have not been made available. Members present agreed that it made sense to waive the requirement this year and have a plan in place for 2014.
MOTION: Tom Falt moved, seconded by John Stanley, to waive the conservation time requirements for commercial shellfish license holders for the 2014 renewals. The vote was unanimous in favor 4-0.
III. Gilpatrick Cove, update
Members were provided copies of emails between Public Works Director Tony Smith, Code Enforcement Office Kim Keene and members of DEP and DMR.
[Committee members Victor Doyle and Reid Swanson arrived]
II. Conservation Time for Commercial Shellfish License Holders, discussion continued
Victor Doyle suggested rather than waiving the requirements that the Committee provide some opportunity for earning time, such as having one more meeting prior to the June 30th deadline. He reasoned that staying with the Allocation Plan was a better way than waiving the time. It was the consensus of the members that there just wasn’t enough time this year and that members and license holders need to work together next year to provide more opportunities to earn time. When given the opportunity to revote the earlier motion, all declined.
Town Clerk Nolan will write to the current commercial license holders to explain the waiver, re-state the conservation time requirements, and ask for documentation of time.
B. Discussion about who is qualified to be a member of this Committee. Town Clerk Nolan said neither the Town Charter nor the Shellfish Conservation Ordinance require town residency. Committee members agreed that license holders, particularly commercial license holders, would be valuable committee members.
III. Such Other Business as May be Legally Conducted
A. It was brought to the members’ attention that a non-resident commercial license was available due to the death of the license holder. The Allocation Plan for 2013 was reviewed and members determined that the license could be sold to the person chosen from the lottery drawing held in 2013. Town Clerk Nolan will contact Justin Pomeroy and offer him the opportunity to purchase the license for $300. It was determined that if Mr. Pomeroy chooses to purchase the license, he would be eligible to renew the license for 2014.
B. Town Clerk Nolan reported she had had a request to pro-rate the cost of a recreational license for someone wanting a license just for the month of June. It was determined that neither the Ordinance nor the Allocation plan allowed for the pro-rating of license fees. Members indicated they were not interested in pursuing a change.
C. Election of Officers for the coming year.
MOTION: Tom Falt moved, seconded by Barry Thomas, to nominate Victor Doyle as Chairman. The vote was unanimous in favor, 6-0.
MOTION: Reid Swanson moved, seconded by Steve Boucher, to nominate Tom Falt as Vice Chairman. The vote was unanimous in favor, 6-0.
IV. Adjourn
MOTION: At 5:53 p.m., Barry Thomas moved, seconded by John Stanley, to adjourn the meeting. The vote was unanimous in favor, 6-0.