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Shellfish Committee Meeting Minutes - 03/25/08

March 25, 2008
Town Hall Meeting Room
21 Sea Street
Northeast Harbor

I.      Call to order 4:00
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Falt at 4:00 p.m.  Present were Committee Members Steve Hamor Jr, Steve Hamor Sr, Harvey Heel, Earl Moore, Robert Taylor, guest Hannah Annis, and Town Clerk Joelle Nolan.

II.     Other Business
A.      Chairman Falt asked for an update on the Gilpatrick Cove contamination problem.  None was offered.  Town Clerk Nolan will send an e-mail to Town Manager Mike MacDonald, CEO Kim Keene, and Public Works Director Tony Smith asking for information.

III.    Re-seeding, discussion with Biologist Hannah Annis
Ms. Annis started the discussion on re-seeding by suggesting the Committee contact Brian Beal at University of Maine Machias.  "Seeds" are available in varying sizes.  Re-seeding should not be done in areas with green crabs and ribbon worms.  Netting is helpful to protect.

There is also the option of moving our own seed from one source (such as a closed area) to another similar area.  May and June are the best times, before they spawn.  Growth rate averages 6 - 18 months.  One method of measuring growth is to mark the shell with a Sharpee, put seeds in a plant pot, bury in flat, and check periodically.

Methods include broadcasting from a boat as the tide comes in, having raked the area first, then checking at the next low tide.

Marine Patrol needs to be notified and a letter of authorization issued.  Also Army Corp of Engineers permit is required if anything is put in the flats, including brush.  Brushing consists of staking brush in the flats to change the water flow and create eddies.

Mr. Taylor suggested Ms. Annis review areas with members.

Chairman Falt noted re-seeding needs to be done in highly visible areas, meaning easy to patrol areas.

Chairman Falt asked if "dead" areas can be seeded.  Ms. Annis replied depends on reason area is dead.  Are there predators?  Has the water flow altered?  Often it is trial and error.

Ms. Annis suggested keeping the initial seeding as simple as possible.  Plan on 10 -15 clams per square foot (if broadcasting from a boat more would be needed), have several people digging, then others raking.

Ms. Annis will e-mail seed clam price list and ACE permit application to Town Clerk Nolan.

Because buying seed can be very expensive, Ms. Annis suggested the Committee approach other towns and offer to buy from them.

Committee concluded the following areas would be potential re-seeding /brushing areas:  Gilpatrick Cove (once contamination problem corrected), above Garry Moore's dock to Wister's dock, Kethum's Cove, and Somes Harbor.

Ms. Annis spoke of Sherman Hoyt and the recent meeting in Sullivan (Chairman Falt and Mr. Moore attended).  Mr. Hoyt promotes regional management, enforcement, and general interest.  He is willing to speak to the Board of Selectmen as an educational process and is currently working with Jim Colquhoun of Southwest Harbor.  Ms. Annis will give him Chairman Falt's and Mr. Moore's phone numbers.

Chairman Falt noted enforcement is an area of concern.  Perhaps island wide wardens would help.

All concluded the steps to be taken are as follows:
o       Obtain hatchery prices for seed clams
o       Obtain and complete ACE permit application for brushing
o       Do brushing in May or June
o       Obtain permission to re-seed

Mr. Taylor asked Ms. Annis to ask John Fendl about opening Shattacks.

IV.     Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
May 12, 2008
Follow-up notes since March 25, 2008 meeting:

       Seed clam prices obtained from Brian Beal, Chairman Falt has the list
       ACE permit application for brushing completed and sent in May 9, 2008
       Seeding application obtained - holding for now