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School Committee Minutes 12/15/11
Southern Berkshire Regional School Committee
Mt. Everett Regional School
Sheffield, MA
December 15, 2011
Meeting #1,437

School Committee Members: Mr. Abelow, Mr. Willig, Mr. Valentini, Mr. Flynn, Mr. Sears, Ms. Miller, Mr. McSpiritt, Mr. Fetterhoff
Absent: Ms. Mielke, Mr. Stewart
Administration: Dr. Singleton, Mr. Turner, Ms. Hubbard, Mr. Hastings, Ms. Woodsome, Mr. Nadolny
Press: CTSB; Berkshire Record
Student Representative(s): Danielle Goewey
Others: Mr. Charles Ketchen, Chair, Alford Select Board; Ms. Renee Wood, Chair, Sheffield Select Board; Mr. Charles Williamson; Mr. & Mrs. Mark Makuc; Nadia, Marya, and Gabriella Makuc; Ms. Linda Higgins

1. Call to Order: Chairman Abelow called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes: Mr. Flynn stated that his vote for Chair at the meeting of November 17 should have been recorded as negative. Hearing no other corrections, Chairman Abelow declared the minutes of School Committee Meeting #1,436 accepted, as amended.
3. Communications from the Audience Pertaining to This Evening’s Agenda:
A. The Committee welcomed Student Representative Danelle Goewey. Ms. Goewey reported the following: 1) The Class of 2013 intends to provide picnic tables for the courtyard as a legacy from their class; 2) The student government will make an effort to provide venues for students, who do not participate in sports or drama, to have more of a connection with the school; and 3) The student government will work to have a frozen yogurt machine installed in the cafeteria.
B. There were no communications from the public.
5. Business
A. Superintendent’s Report:

Dr. Singleton reported on the following:

ard for 2011-12. Committee and audience members joined with the Superintendent in congratulating Gabi, and the Committee took a break to enjoy refreshments with the Makuc family.
B. Ms. Woodsome and Mr. Nadolny explained the process for the selection and introduction of the District’s new Elementary CORE reading program. They said that thus far, the staff has been very happy with the new program, and they said that they were hopeful that the new program will help improve student test scores. Committee members expressed a hope that money could be found out of the 2011-12 budget to provide listening stations to supplement the program. (Per Ms. Woodsome, twenty-two CD players will be needed.)
5. Business
B. Mr. Sears reported on research he had conducted regarding the School Choice program and its impact in the District. He said that he had requested this item on the agenda because he felt it was important for the Committee to look at whether to keep the District in the Choice program or not.
Mr. Sears reported that of the 86 regional schools in MA, 54 are part of the school choice program. He explained that the District receives $5,000 for each regular education student who choices into its schools; however, a much higher rate of reimbursement is received for special education students who choice in. Mr. Sears and others acknowledged Ms. Hubbard for making certain that the District receives the highest reimbursement possible for special needs students. It was noted that the Committee needs to do nothing to remain a part of the Choice program, but would need to take a vote and notify the DESE, should circumstances change, and Committee members wish to remove the District from the program. Members expressed support for remaining a part of the School Choice program at this time, particularly in order to maintain a critical mass in the high school and also to be sure that the District can continue to fund programs for special needs students.
C. Dr. Singleton explained his request for a two-month contract extension in order to be qualified to receive a pension from the MA Teachers Retirement System (MTRS). He noted that at the close of his current contract on June 30, 2013, he will be just 60 days short of the 10 years necessary to be vested in the MTRS. He shared information he had received from the MTRS that up to 30 days of the contract extension could be in the form of an unpaid leave of absence. Dr. Singleton suggested that the Committee consider offering the extension, paying him for July, and putting him on unpaid leave for August, 2013. He noted that he would forego any additional vacation or sick leave. He also noted that he was checking the dates of his service in Williamstown and for when he started his work in Southern Berkshire, as any break in service would also have to be made up, in addition to the 60 days.
Following a brief discussion, Mr. Flynn moved to table the request until time certain, ie., January, 2013. Mr. Valentini seconded the motion. Mr. Flynn explained that he felt that the current School Committee members should not make a decision which would make a commitment that the next Committee (elected in 2012) would need to honor. Mr. Sears and others expressed disagreement. 3

Following additional discussion, a roll-call vote was taken. The vote:
Mr. Valentini abstain Ms. Miller no Mr. Flynn yes
Mr. Sears no Mr. McSpiritt no Mr. Willig no
Mr. Fetterhoff no Mr. Abelow no
Mr. Abelow declared the motion defeated.
Discussion resumed. Mr. Sears moved to enter into executive session to negotiate the response of the School Committee to the request to extend the contract of the Superintendent. Ms. Miller seconded the motion.
The vote:
Mr. Valentini no Ms. Miller no Mr. Flynn no
Mr. Sears yes Mr. McSpiritt no Mr. Willig no
Mr. Fetterhoff no
Chairman Abelow declared the motion defeated.
Following further discussion, Ms. Miller moved to entertain the idea of extending Dr. Singleton’s employment in some fashion, not necessarily as superintendent, for one month, plus one month of unpaid leave of absence.
Mr. Sears stated that as Dr. Singleton had in effect, made an offer, he felt it was up to the School Committee to make a counter offer. He said he wished to accommodate the request, but he also did not wish to spend the money for the extra month. He suggested that Ms. Miller’s motion be modified to include a month’s leave of absence and the equivalent of one week’s pay.
Other members offered additional suggestions.
Dr. Singleton clarified that there was a possibility that more than sixty days would be needed, and that he was still awaiting the exact dates of his service, both in Williamstown and in Southern Berkshire. He also noted that the Deputy Director of MTRS had specifically stated that if his salary were to be greatly reduced for a period of time, the Retirement System would question whether he was actually a full-time employee. He added that although he understood the Committee’s desire to see a new superintendent seated on July 1, 2013, most superintendents’ contracts end on June 30, and they often wish to take some time off before beginning a new position. Thus, he said it is common for a superintendent to begin a new contract on July 15 or even August 1.
Following additional discussion, Committee members were generally in agreement to ask Atty. McNulty to develop a firm proposal for the full Committee to vote on. Ms. Miller then withdrew her motion.
Mr. Sears moved to table the discussion until the January 5, 2012 meeting. Mr. Valentini seconded the motion, and it was so voted. (Mr. Flynn abstained.)
D. Subcommittee/Representative Reports:
a) The Committee received a copy of the minutes of the December 1 Buildings, Grounds & Technology Subcommittee meeting. Committee members noted that if the District is to have a Facebook page, it will be necessary to develop a policy and to have someone “police” the use of the page.
Mr. Turner updated the Committee regarding the replacement windows at the South Egremont School. He stated that the work will be carried out during the Christmas break. He said that he has received all certificates from the contractor, and he will work with counsel to be sure the District is indemnified. 4

Mr. Turner also updated the committee regarding the lighting project at the main campus. He reported that the project will go out to bid again in the near future. He said he will work with counsel to develop improved bid specifications.
Mr. Sears distributed a copy of a letter received from the Alford Select Board and explained that Mr. Ketchen had requested that the School Committee respond to the letter. He said that Mr. Ketchen has specifically requested an answer regarding the Select Board’s suggestion to change the responsibility for the oversight of the day-to-day operations of the Buildings & Grounds Department from the Business Administrator to the Superintendent. Mr. Valentini added that Mr. Ketchen would also like the District to have a long-term capital plan. He noted that the District has a listing of capital projects; however he stated that a capital plan is difficult to develop without knowing the status of the outlying schools.
Following additional discussion, Mr. Sears moved that the Committee direct Mr. Abelow and Mr. Sears to respond to the Alford Select Board, using two general “bullets”, i.e.: 1) long range capital plan and 2) stating that the Committee feels the organization (of the Buildings & Grounds Department) is right for the District at this time. Additionally, they will note that the Superintendent is ultimately responsible for all, including the Buildings & Grounds Department. Mr. Willig seconded the motion, and it was so voted, unanimously.
b) Finance Subcommittee: Mr. Valentini reported that the Finance Subcommittee had held its annual reorganization the previous evening, and he was elected as Chair. He also reported that the Finance Subcommittee members had attended an informal meeting on December 8 as guests of the administration, as they heard questions and concerns on the FY’13 budget. Additionally, the Finance Subcommittee had held two meetings on December 13 and 14 to hear the budget requests of the Curriculum Leaders, Department Heads and administrators. He noted that all seemed to be cognizant of the fact that the Committee is aiming for a level-funded budget, and no frivolous requests had been made. Mr. Valentini also noted that although all town select board and finance committee members had been invited to attend all meetings, only two Sheffield representatives had attended the meeting on 12/13, and one Sheffield representative had attended on 12/14.
c) Collective Bargaining Subcommittee: Chairman Abelow stated that it was planned for collective bargaining sessions with each of the three units to meet on the same days, with Atty. McNulty in attendance. The first meeting will take place on January 23, with the schedule set as follows: Unit D – 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.; Unit A – 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.; Unit E – 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Other dates have been set for February 8, March 6, and March 20. Bargaining sessions on those days will be 2 hours for each unit.
Ms. Wood requested that Ms. Hannum, the Municipal Representative, be included in the Collective Bargaining sessions. Mr. Abelow responded that per law, the Municipal Representative acts as part of the School Committee (i.e., attends School Committee meeting executive sessions to update the Committee and strategize), but is not necessarily included in collective bargaining sessions. Ms. Wood requested that the Committee send a letter to each of the member town select boards informing them if the Municipal Representative will be included or excluded from collective bargaining sessions.
In further discussions, it was clarified that the Municipal Representative will be asked to attend the executive session at the January 5 School Committee meeting to develop a proposal.
The Collective Bargaining teams were tentatively agreed, as follows:
Ms. Miller – all units (will not be in attendance on January 23)
Mr. Willig – Unit A
Mr. Fetterhoff – all units
Mr. McSpiritt – Unit A
Mr. Valentini – Unit D
Mr. Sears – Unit D 5

Mr. Abelow – Unit D
Mr. Flynn – Units A and E
It was the consensus of the Committee to change the time of the January 5 meeting to 5:00 p.m.
Mr. McSpiritt moved, seconded by Mr. Flynn, to invite the Municipal Representative to participate in both the collective bargaining sessions and as part of the full School Committee in this regard.
In the discussion that followed, members generally agreed that the Municipal Representative should attend at least most of the sessions. However, it was also felt that it would be acceptable if the Municipal Representative (Julie Hannum) and the Alternate (Rhonda LaBombard) divided the meetings. Mr. McSpiritt noted that the purpose in inviting the Municipal Representative to attend was to work in a cooperative spirit with the towns.
The vote was then called, and the motion was approved, unanimously. Ms. Wood reiterated her request for a letter confirming the invitation, along with dates and times of the meetings, be sent to member town select boards.
D. Financial Updates/Transfer Requests: Mr. Turner explained requests to transfer the following: $20,000 from the Contingency account to the Unemployment Expense account to cover existing claims; and $15,000 from the Salaries Certified Kindergarten UME account to the Building Maintenance Contracted Services account to cover costs incurred for unexpected maintenance. He noted that there is approximately $5,000 left in the Contingency Account. Mr. Flynn moved, seconded by Ms. Miller, to approve the transfers, as presented. It was so voted.
7. Other Communications / Requests for Future Agenda Items
A. Mr. Charles Williamson, grandparent of an 8th grade student, addressed the Committee regarding a book that is currently required reading in the 8th grade. He requested that the Committee address his concerns in writing. Mr. Abelow asked Dr. Singleton to review the concern and make recommendations.
Mr. Fetterhoff left the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
8. General Information
A. The Committee received a letter from Michelle Tassinari, Director/Legal Counsel, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Elections Division, informing the District of how the 2012 School Committee candidates’ names will appear on the ballots.
Mr. Flynn nominated Dr. Singleton to serve as Secretary of the District. Mr. Willig seconded the motion, and it was so voted, unanimously.
On a motion by Mr. Willig, seconded by Ms. Miller, the meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.
Documents presented for this meeting:

Agenda – School Committee Meeting #1,437

Minutes – School Committee Meeting #1,436

Letter dated December 8, 2011 from Michelle Tassinari, Director/Legal Counsel, MA Elections Division

Grade 4, Unit 3 Benchmark Test, c Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Grade 2, Unit 3 Benchmark Test, c Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Memo from Bruce Turner, Business Administrator, dated December 15, 2011, requesting transfers in the amount of $35,000

Copy of Letter from Town of Alford to Selectmen and School Committee Represenatives for the towns of Alford, Egremont, Sheffield, Monterey and New Marlborough (undated)

Minutes of the Buildings, Grounds & Technology Subcommittee Meeting of December 1, 2011