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Park Commission Minutes 10/3/18
Parks Commission Minutes

Meeting Called By: Julio Rodriguez
Members Present: Julio Rodriquez, Ilene, Michal Strawbridge, Peter Poirier

Call to order: 6:13pm


First Agenda: Jamie’s Basketball Court

Background: Basketball court that was installed in 2014 has been closed due to complaint of tile slippage and danger.

-Ken was supposed to get group together to fix it.
-We contracted a company to find out what was needed.
-We purchased the screws that need to be used.

-Julio is following up with Ken to see why it wasn’t fixed.

Second Agenda: Purchase of Defiribulator

We have always moved the defiribulator from the ice rink to the town beach. We agreed to purchase a new one.

-The defibrillator is more expensive than originally expected.

-We will continue to move it back and forth from the ice rink to the town beach.

Third Agenda: Beach

Post summer beach discussion in terms of needs, successes and problems.

-Possibly purchase new rescue board for lifeguards
-Lots of garbage at the boat racks
-Need for two more boat racks.
-Signage needed to preserve lawn and racks- “No boats beyond this point” “No trailer traffic”

-In springtime we will delineate area for boats.
-We will purchase 2 more boat racks.

Fourth Agenda: Halloween

Background: Annual Halloween event at Library.

-Event moved to Firehouse due to library remodel
-Professional entertainer is being provided for $400
-We need to purchase candy

-Peter is going to purchase candy

Fifth Agenda: Ice rink

Background: Annual ice rink set up

-Set up has poor turn out of volunteers
-we considered paying people to help out
- We need an advertisement for volunteers in the monterey news
-Costs involved in ice rink: Power for hose closest, power for the locker room, rental of the facilities, power for the above lights
-Julio would like an itemized budget for the skate rink
-It might save money to insulate locker room
-We need a quote for insulation
-We need a sigh protecting town  “skate at their own risk”

-Peter will email Mark for “help needed” announcement in Monterey News
-Peter will get quote for insulation
-Julio is looking into the sign
-Set-up date set for Dec. 1st at 9:30 am. Plan for 1-2 hours. Bring cordless drills, leaf blowing equipment and brooms.

Sixth Agenda: Approval of August minutes

Minutes for meeting on 08/01/18 Approved By: Peter Porier, Julio Rodriguez, Michal Strawbridge

Future Items:

-Ice rink
-Next meeting on Nov. 7th 6:00 pm

Minutes Prepared By: Michal Strawbridge
Minutes Approved By: Peter Porier, Julio Rodriguez, Michal Strawbridge
Meeting adjourned at 6:32